Media Registration Form

 Advance Registration for SIGGRAPH 97
The deadline for advance media registration is Monday, 7 July 1997. After this date, you must register in the Media Headquarters Office (Room 150A) at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

Register in advance for SIGGRAPH 97 by printing, completing, and sending the registration form and credentials information to:

Kristin Stromberg
SIGGRAPH 97 Media Relations
Smith, Bucklin & Associates
401 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60611-4267 USA
+1.312.245.1083 fax
Please review this media privileges and guidelines section to determine if you qualify for media registration. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE TO THESE RULES.

Registration confirmation will be sent via US mail. Your confirmation WILL NOT include your media pass. You must pick up your media pass in person at the Media Headquarters Office (Room 150A) of the Los Angeles Convention Center, beginning at 10 am, Sunday, 3 August 1997.

A separate credential for use of cameras or video equipment must be obtained by submitting the Audio-Visual Agreement.

 Media Pass: Who Qualifies
You must be: A reporter, writer, editor, publisher, photographer, or videographer.

Assigned by: A local, regional, national, or international publication to cover SIGGRAPH 97.

Additionally, you must comply with at least one of the following:

Full-time employees of media organizations must present a business card and a letter from a supervisor confirming the registrant is on assignment to cover SIGGRAPH 97.

Freelance writers, photographers, or videographers must verify they have been retained to cover SIGGRAPH 97 by presenting a letter from a recognized news organization or a publication related to the computer graphics industry.

Computer Press Association (CPA), National Association of Science Writers (NASW), or National Writers Union (NWU) press cards with current, full membership status are accepted as proof of press credentials.

Each media organization is limited to five media representatives, except college publications, which are limited to one.

To ensure registration and confirmation, registration letters and credentials will be accepted by mail and fax through Monday, 7 July 1997. After this date, media credentials may be submitted only at the Media Headquarters Office (Room 150A) at the Los Angeles Convention Center beginning 10 am Sunday, 3 August 1997.
 Media Pass: What It Entitles You To
Media pass holders are entitled admission to: Courses, Creative Application Lab, Educators Program, Electric Garden, Electronic Theater Ticket, Exhibition, Festival Screening Rooms, Fundamentals Seminar, Keynote Address/Awards, Ongoings: The Fine Arts Gallery, Papers/Panels, Sketches, Special Sessions, and Welcome Reception.
 Media Pass: What It Does Not Entitle You To
Course Notes CD-ROM
Conference Proceedings Video or CD-ROM
Visual Proceedings (or CD-ROM)
Educators CD-ROM
Papers/Panels Reception
Course Reception
 Onsite Media Registration
Proceed to the Media Headquarters Office (Room 150A) at the Los Angeles Convention Center. You must submit full and proper media credentials for a media pass. No exceptions will be made.
 Audio-Visual Recording Guidelines
Only registered media representatives who have submitted the Audio-Visual Agreement may be granted photography/videography permission.

Images or video obtained at SIGGRAPH 97 may be published or aired only by a credible media outlet. Material may not be commercially sold or bartered.

Media representatives must obtain permission for the persons they are recording.


Any media representative in violation of these guidelines may have their credentials revoked and may be removed from the Los Angeles Convention Center for the remainder of the conference.