SIGGRAPH Publications

The SIGGRAPH Publications site houses on-line resources which can be viewed on-line or printed. Information pertaining to CD-ROM and Video publications as well as SIGGRAPH printed and electronic publications is available.

3d shape

Online CG Bibliography Server:
A collection of over thirteen thousand unique computer graphics bibliography citations, in BibTeX format, available for online keyword searches. (Forms support required.)

SIGGRAPH Panel Proceedings:
Written transcripts of SIGGRAPH conference panel discussions.

SIGGRAPH Slide Sets:
Showcasing state-of-the-art techniques and images in several categories. Each set contains images, documentation, and complete author information.

SIGGRAPH Video Review:
SIGGRAPH Video Review video tapes provide highlights of the animations shown at the SIGGRAPH conference (Electronic Theater, Animation Screening Room) and other conferences (including CHI, CSCW, and INTERCHI).

Obtaining SIGGRAPH Publications
How to purchase current and back issues of SIGGRAPH conference and workshop proceedings, course notes, and slide sets.

Omissions from, problems with, and solutions to problems noted in the SIGGRAPH 96 CD-ROM publications -- Conference Proceedings, Visual Proceedings, Course Notes, and Educators Program -- are covered here.

Publications Outreach Program
SIGGRAPH actively seeks to support educational institutions by providing SIGGRAPH technical materials to those institutions that cannot otherwise afford them.

e-mail: Stephen Spencer
Special Interest Group
on Computer Graphics.

Last Updated:
February 7, 1997