Could Not Load and Initialize CG

Product: Toaster Flyer

Platforms: 2000 3000 3000T 4000 4000T

Problem: On attempt to run the Toaster or Flyer software, the error message "Could not load and initialize CG" occurs.

Two problems are possible sources for this error:

-the CGInterface font is missing from Sys:Fonts. Copy the Fonts directory from Toaster Install disk 1 to SYS:Fonts, if you have VT 2.0 or 3.x Toaster software.

-the CG executable file decompressed incorrectly during install. Check file size:
1.0: 144328* bytes
2.0: 149936 bytes
3.1: 292872 bytes
3.5: 297024 bytes
4.1D: 467032 bytes
If the CG file size is incorrect, re-install the software or copy CG from another machine. I have not listed the 3.0 file size for CG, since 3.1 is a free update to that software. Users who have 3.0, but never received 3.1, should contact NewTek Customer Service for the update. Toaster owners who have not registered their Toaster (or their purchase of 3.0, if they bought the Toaster with version 2.0 software) will need to provide a registration card or proof of purchase.

Video Toaster FAQs

Amiga 2000Amiga 3000Amiga 3000TAmiga 4000Amiga 4000T

Flyer FAQs

Amiga 2000Amiga 3000Amiga 3000TAmiga 4000Amiga 4000T