Adding the Rudder

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Next we'll create the rudder.

  1. Select the polygon at the top of the fuselage and bevel it with an Inset of 400 mm.

    See images below.

    Before beveling After beveling

  2. Select the Stretch tool.

    In the Top view, place the cursor in the center of the selected polygon and shrink the polygon in the Z axis to about 0.5.

    Coordinates Window
    when stretching.

  3. Using the Move tool, move the polygon about 1 m toward the rear of the aircraft.

  4. Bevel again with these settings.

    Bevel settings

    This starts the rudder section.

  5. Select the Stretch tool.

    In the Top view, place the cursor in the center of the selected polygon and shrink the polygon in the Z axis to about 0.4.

  6. Move the top of the tail in the negative Z direction about 1 m.

  7. To sharpen the tip of the rudder, bevel with these settings.

    Bevel settings

This completes the rudder.

The last steps are to add the details of the nose and engines.

3D Page Tutorials Making the Wings Finishing the Details