Icon Edit Allows you to edit/create Icons.
IconEdit is started by double clicking its icon in the tools drawer. upon starting the above program is started. There are three sections to Icon Edit: The normal and selected view boxes and the magnified view box.
Color selection
Color selection is achieved with the color selection gadget. In addition to the standard method of pointing on the color and selecting it to activate the color of choice one can select a color and while holding the shift key down select a second color to achieve two-color patterns to be used with the fill gadgets.
Magnified View Box
This is the area where you create the icon in. Your pointer will become cross hairs in this area with any altered pixels showing in the center of the cross hairs. To modify an existing Icon simply load it using the load option in the menu or drag its icon into the magnified view box.
Drawing Tools
The Freehand gadget
The Freehand gadget allows you to quickly draw unstructured shapes.
Keyboard shortcut: S
Continuous Freehand Gadget
This tool allows you to draw a continuous line in freehand mode.
Keyboard shortcut: D
Circle Gadget
Allows you to draw a circle either an outline or a filled circle.
Keyboard Shortcut: E for an outlined circle or Shift+E for a filled circle
Box Gadget
Allows you to create a filled or outlined Box.
To draw a three dimensional box hold down an L ALT key while drawing your box. to make it a selected box hold down the R ALT key.
Keyboard Shortcut: R for an outlined box or Shift+R for a filled box.
Line Gadget
Allows you to draw a straight line.
To double the thickness of the line press Ctrl before letting up on the mouse.
Keyboard Shortcut: L
Fill Gadget
Allows you to fill an area with the current selected color.
Keyboard Shortcut: F
Select UNDO to cancel the last mouse action performed in the magnified view box.
Keyboard Shortcut: U
Select the clear button to clear the entire area inside the magnified view box.
Keyboard Shortcut: Shift+C
Normal Selection and Arrows
The normal and selected radio buttons allows you toggle between normal icon mode and selected icon mode. also pressing Shift+S for selected mode or Shift+N for normal mode have the same effect.
The arrows allow you to move the image around in the magnified view box. using the arrow keys have the same effect.