Ever wonder what those damn things mean anyways?


Format of Guru Meditation messages:
Subsystem IDGeneral ErrorSpecific ErrorAddress of task

If the first digit of the subsystem ID is greater than 3, there is no way to recover from the error. In these cases, subtract 8 from the first digit to get the subsystem ID number.

Subsystem ID codes






CPU Trap*00Exec 01Audio 10 CIA 20 BootStrap 30
Graphics 02Console 11Disk 21WorkBench 31
Layers 03GamePort 12Misc 22DiskCopy 32
Intuition 04KeyBoard 13
Math 05TrackDisk 14
Clist 06 Timer 15
DOS 07
RAM 08
Expansion 0A

General Error Codes
00 if not applicable
Insufficant Memory01
MakeLibrary Error02
OpenLibrary Error03
OpenDevice Error04
OpenResource Error05
I/O Error06
No Signal07

Specific Alert Codes
Exec Library
8100000168000 exception vector checksum
81000002ExecBase Checksum
81000003Lib checksum error
81000004No memory to make lib
81000005Corrupted memory list
81000006No memory for interrupt servers
81000008Semaphore Corupt
81000009Free Twice
8100000ABogus Exception

Graphics Library
82010001No memory for copper display list
82010002No memory for copper instruction list
82010003Copper list overload
82010004Copper intermediate list overload
82010005No memory for copper list head
82010006Long frame, no memory
82010007Short frame, no memory
82010008No memory for flood fill
82010009Text, No memory for TmpRas
8201000ANo memory for bitmap
8201000BRegion Memory

Layers Library

Intuition Library
84000001Unkown gadget type
04000001Recoverable form of previoous message
84010002no memory to create port
84010003Item plane alloc, no memory
84010004sub alloc, no memory
84010005Plane alloc, no memory
84000006Item box top less than RelZero
84010007no memory to open screen
84010008Open screen, Raster alloc, no memory
84000009Open sys screen, unknown type
8401000AAdd SW gadgets, no memory
8401000BNo memory to open window
8400000CBad state return entering Intuition
8400000DBad message recived by IDCMP
8400000EWierd echo causing incomprehnsion
8400000FCouldn't open the console device

DOS Library
07010001No memory at startup
07000002EndTask couldn't
07000003Qpkt failure
07000004Unexpected packet received
07000005FreeVec Failed
07000006Disk block sequence error
07000007Bitmap corrupt
07000008Key already free
07000009Invalid Checksum
0700000ADisk Error
0700000BKey out of range
0700000CBad Overlay

Ram Library
08000001Bad Segment List

Expansion Library
0A000001 Bad Expansion Free

TrackDisk Device
14000001Calibrate: seek error
14000002Delay: error on timer wait

Timer Device
15000001Bad Request
15000002Bad Supply

Disk Resource
21000001Get Unit: already has disk
21000002Interrupt: no active unit

30000001Boot code returned an error

CPU traps or exceptions are defined by the CPU and not the AmigaOS. There are 256 vectors for CPU exceptions: witht the lower 64 being hardware defined and the upper 192 being user definable. Specific examples of some that would show up in a Guru meditation error are as follows:

00000002Bus Error
00000003Address error
00000004Illigal instruction
00000006CHK instruction
00000007TRAPV instruction
00000008Privilege Ciolation
0000000AOP code 1010
0000000BOp code 1111
