Format: LIST [{(dir | pattern | filename)}] [P] | PAT (pattern)] [KEYS] [DATES] [NODATES] [TO
(name) )] [SUB (string)] [SINCE (date)] [UPTO (date)] [QUICK] [BLOCK] [NOHEAD] [FILES] [DIRS]
[LFORMAT (string)] [ALL]
LIST displays information about the contents of the current directory. If you specify (dir), (pattern), or (filename) argument, LIST displays information about the specified item. The PAT argument lets you specify a pattern.
Unless other options are used, LIST displays the following:
name The name of the file or directory. size The size of the file in bytes. protection The protection bits that are set for this file are shown in letters. date and time the times/date tamp of the file is shown.
List uses the following options to change the output:
KEYS Displays the block number of each file header or directory. DATES Displays the dates. NODATES Does not display dates or time stamps. TO (name) Specifies a file to output to. SUB (sting) Lists only files that match the specified substring (string). SINCE (date) Displays only files or directories matching a certian date. UPTO (date) Displays all files up to a certain date. QUICK Lists only the names of files or directories BLOCK Displays the files sizes in 512 byte blocks, rather than bytes NOHEAD Suppresses printing the header information. FIELS Lists files only. DIRS Lists directories only. LFORMAT Defines a string to specially format list output. all Lists the contents of all directories and subdirectories.
Available substitution operators are:
%A Prints file atributes. %B Prints size of file in blocks. %C Prints any comments attached to the file. %D Prints the date if any of the file %E Prints just the file extention %K Prints the file keey block numbee. %L Prints the length of the file in bytes %M Prints the file name only. %N Prints the name of the file. %P Prints the file parent path. %S Superceded by %N and %P; still functional. %T Prints the time associated with the file.
see also SPat DPat