When inserting Clipart or Wordart into a Microsoft® program document such as a Publisher 95, Winword® 7.0 or Works® 4.0 document you may receive the message:
The server application, source file, or item cannot be found.
Make sure the application is properly installed,
and that it has not been deleted, moved or renamed.
- Go to Windows® Explorer.
- Find the Program Files directory and double click on it.
- Double click the Common Files directory.
- Double click the Microsoft Shared directory.
- Next, double click either the artgalry directory or the wordart directory (Depending on what you are having trouble with.) Inside the next directory you need to right click on either the ARTGALRY.REG file or the WRDART32.REG and choose the edit option.
- Look for any line containing the path:
C:\Windows\MSAPPS\(either artgalry or wordart)
Once found change the path above to:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\(either artgalry or wordart)
- After you have changed and saved the file, double click it to re-register it with the Windows® 95 operating system..
If our documentation hasn't helped you,
this might be a good time to
send an e-mail to Technical Support.
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