Internet Legal Page/Disclaimer
(Informal Version)

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Wow! You actually came to this page. Our lawyers made us include it. At first, we thought the lawyers were a real pain. But then we read the page. What a Net-wakening! Itís really important stuff. We took the legalese the lawyers wrote and translated it into readable English. So be a smart Nethead and read the stuff on this page. It could prevent you from hearing from our lawyer, or worse yet, from really nasty people, like prosecutors. Hereís the deal: We run the Gateway 2000 site so that people like you (and people you like) can use it for personal entertainment, information, education, communication, and cybergratification. So go ahead and browse around all you like. You can even download stuff from the site but only for non-commercial, personal use. If you do, though, donít fool around with the copyright and other notices all over the stuff. Theyíre there for a really good reason. And donít even think about distributing, modifying, transmitting, reusing, re-posting, or anything else uncool with any of the stuff, including text, images, audio, and video, for public or commercial purposes unless we give you written permission. And itís not likely we will. If you visit our site, youíre also legally obligated to abide by [read: stuck with] the terms and conditions listed below and any other law or regulation that applies to the site, the Internet, and the World Wide Web, or South Dakota. You shouldnít access or browse the site if you have any problem with that, because once you start, thereís no turning back, you are bound by [read: stuck with] the terms and conditions.
So hereís the scoop on our Top Ten Rules for Cybersurfers who hang out on our site:

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