Netscape Navigator
Download & Installation Instructions

Download the appropriate version of Netscape Navigator by selecting from the links below.

Take note of the directory to which you are downloading the software. If the default directory is the directory containing your current running version of Netscape Navigator, you should not download your new version of Navigator into this directory. Instead, you should download Navigator into a directory other than the default directory.

As with most software you download, it's best to save the file to a temporary directory.

The program you download from the FTP site is a self-extracting file (.exe). Once you download this file, you need to install it.

The Windows 95 (32 bit) version install program starts when you double click on the file you downloaded.

To install the Windows 3.1x (16 bit) version, you must take a few more steps: Double-click the file to decompress the Netscape Navigator files. Or, from the DOS prompt, change ("cd") to the directory that contains the file, type the file name, and hit the Return key to decompress the Navigator files. Once you have extracted the files, double-click the program called Setup to install Navigator.

The Setup program will ask you for the target directory for the installation. If you want to use your existing bookmarks, preferences, and settings, you can install Netscape Navigator into the directory of your current Navigator (make sure your current Navigator is closed). The 16-bit version of Netscape Navigator will ask if you want to continue using your existing netscape.ini file. If you want to continue using existing bookmarks and preferences, do not overwrite this file. (If you aren't currently using the Netscape Navigator, don't worry about this stuff).

Once the setup program is completed, you're ready to go!

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