The Macintosh Web Directory is a free service of CUCUG and CU-Online and is maintained by myself, Jim Huls. Our mission here is to provide a comprehensive list of high-quality sites on the Internet that deal with the Macintosh platform. By focusing on this task and providing descriptions with each site; those surfing the net for Macintosh related items should find life on the net just a bit easier. In addition we understand that not everyone has access to a T1 or even ISDN for that matter; therefore, graphics will be kept to a reasonable minimum until demand by those accessing the Macintosh Web Directory proves it necessary.

We are forever looking to expand the content of the Macintosh Web Directory. If you know of any other quality Macintosh-oriented pages, let us know! E-mail your submissions to and we'll check them out. "The Macintosh Web Directory" is a service mark of CUCUG. CUCUG assumes no responsibility for the content associated with the links shown and does not necessarily endorse any of these information providers or their products. Special thanks goes to Kevin Hisel(aka Web-God) and all of his help in demonstrating how a web site can be setup. His success with the Amiga Web Directory helped influence me to pattern a few things off his work.

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Suggest-A-Link Use our handy form for submitting any urls you feel should be included in the Macintosh Web Directory.
Comments Use this handy form if you have any comments or questions you would like ask about regarding CUCUG or the Macintosh Web Directory.

As stated above the Macintosh Web Directory is a free service for Macintosh users worldwide and is sponsored by CUCUG's Macintosh SIG. PC and all other platform users are required to pay the shareware fee of purchasing a Macintosh platform within 30 days of using this service. :^)

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