Amiga "Back for the Future" Poster

Scan courtesy of Harv Laser of Portal fame.

Download/View the "Amiga Back for the Future" poster now!

Sat, 25 Nov 1995 17:04:21 comp.sys.amiga.misc Thread 192 of 204
Lines 21 Re: I have SEEN the Amiga Tech poster! RespNo 2 of 3 H.R. Laser at NETCOM On-line Communication Services

The poster is on my Web page (see .sig below) in downloadable format as a 640x480 JPEG. I had this image scanned from the 35mm slide of the poster that GBO (Gilles Bourdin, PR Official, Amiga Technologies) handed me at the Amiga Tech booth at COMDEX.

So everyone can stop begging and shouting and just go get it now :)

Harv                                       |  "Do you recognize the                        |  Bell of Truth when you                |  hear it ring?" <--- Newton mail only!   |  - Leon Russell

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