Permission Granted to Distribute without Alteration
Due to the letter of understanding, VIScorp is restricted from
releasing information relating to the negotiations until they are
completed. Until such time, Amiga remains the asset of Amiga
Technologies/Escom and all inquires relating to current Amiga
operations should be directed to
Amiga Technologies/Escom.
Our intent to purchase the Amiga comes out of (i) an appreciation of
the core technology and its importance to VIScorpĂs long-term business
development and (ii) a belief that the Amiga can -- like the Phoenix --
rise from the ashes and become a profitable technology for the future.
Over the coming days and weeks we anticipate to see a flood a mis-statements in the press, on the Net and via voice communications -- some will be made out of ignorance, others out of malice. We will do our best to keep the Amiga community regularly informed. We have received hundreds of messages and anticipate many more to be received until final resolution of formal negotiations is completed. While we are making every effort to do so, please excuse us if we do not respond to your individual message.
David Rosen
Vice President, Business Development
April 19, 1996
Champaign-Urbana Computer Users Group /