AWeb-II, v2.1

AmiTrix                      PRESS RELEASE                November 7, 1996

                  AWeb-II, v2.1 update now available!

AmiTrix Development is pleased to announce the release of version 2.1 of
the popular WWW Browser "AWeb" by Yvon Rozijn.  This update, which is free
to customers that have purchased the current v2.0 AWeb-II package, is now
available from our web page at  If you have not
yet registered your copy, please do so as directed on the AWeb page, or if
you have, simply fill in the access form and proceed to the transfer link.
Postscript versions of the docs and several datatypes are also available
from our page.

We would also like to appologize for the slight delay in making the update
available, but illness and some last minute changes made it un-avoidable.
There was no intent to keep our commercial customers waiting, rather we
wish to insure that the update is as reliable as possible, and we thank 
you for your patience.  There will be v2.1 AWeb-II packages ready for 
shipping to new customers by November 15/96.

Version 2.1 of AWeb-II will include the following additions:

- HTML2.0 & 3.2 support including tables, fully configurable disk cache &
  browser, configuration/settings window re-designed and split into three
  sections for improved access, separate control of image and background
  display, support for client side maps and floating images, access to 
  ClassAct prefs, text search function, graphical print function, more 
  ARexx commands, additional mime types, replaceable button images and
  transfer animation, greyscale palette support, improved page loading
  speed and memory usage, colored fonts and style tags, background sounds,
  popup menu, more compatibility for non-standard HTML code, HTTP cookies,
  and many other improvements.

- Revised and improved FTP, MailTo, and HTTX plug-ins with ARexx macros for
  configuration & setup.  Additional internal MailTo support for AmiTCP &
  Miami, INet-225 SMTPPost, UUCP SendMail, and external mail using AmigaElm,
  ADMail, or Voodoo.  FTP support for FTPMount and AmiFTP.

MSRP for AWeb-II v2.1 is $45.00US / $60.00CAN. Add $5 S&H for direct orders.

Dealer and Customer inquiries welcomed, for more information or ordering 
AmiTrix products, contact us at:

AmiTrix Development,
5312 - 47 Street,
Beaumont, Alberta, T4X 1H9
Phone or Fax: 1+ 403-929-8459

(Please leave your mailing address, phone/fax number, &/or email address 
on phone messages when requesting information.)

You may also contact us via email at the addresses shown below.



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