Date: SEPTEMBER 28, 1996
Time: 10:00am to 5:00pm
Location: The Arlington Convention Center
          1200 Ballpark Way
          Arlington Texas
Admission: Free

METCOM 96 is the tenth annual show put on by the Metroplex Commodore
Computer Club for its members and non-members who enjoy working with Amiga,
C64 and C128 computers.  The Metroplex Commodore Computer Club is
not-for-profit organization devoted to the collection and dissemination of
computer knowledge, to the encouragement of computer education, and to the
use of Commodore computers in the home, at school, and in business.


The Arlington Convention Center is located next to the Ballpark in
Arlington, home of the Texas Rangers.  From Dallas head west on I-30 and
exit at Ballpark Way.  Turn right at the stop sign at Ballpark Way.  This
will take you over I-30.  The convention center is at the bottom of the
hill on the right.  From Fort Worth head east on I-30 to Nolan Ryan
Expressway (exit 28B).  At the traffic light turn left onto Copeland Road.
At the next light turn right onto Convention Center Drive and then take
another right onto Ballpark Way.  Parking will cost $4.00 per vehicle.  You
will pay as you enter the Convention Center, and there are no in/out

VIScorp to be at METCOM 96 (sorta of)

Jason Compton, VIScorp employee, has agreed to be with us at METCOM this
year, not in person but with us via the Internet.  The details and times
are still being worked out but Jason will chat with us over the Internet
and answer some of our questions. 

BeBox Demonstration

One of our own club members has agreed to bring his own BeBox to METCOM and
give two demos of the computer.  He will be running both an Amiga emulator
on the BeBox and showing off the BeBox operating system.  If you don't know
what the BeBox computer is come and find out for yourself.  Some people say
that the BeBox is what the Amiga would or should have evolved into had
Commodore let it!  The times for the demos are 10:30am and 1:00pm. 


There will be two classes offered at METCOM 96 this year.  We will have a
phone line to surf the net live.  The cost of the classes will be $5.00
each for MCCC members and $10.00 each for non-members.  Class size is
limited so please register early.

The Internet Installation class will be on what you need to get on the
Internet with an Amiga computer.  Topics covered will include the programs
needed to get on the Internet, setup procedures, and Internet providers.  
This class will run 10:30am - 11:30am.

The second class will be What to do on the Internet.  Topics covered will
include WWW, HTML, FTP and downloading off the Internet.  This class will
run from 1:00pm - 3:00pm.

For further information, contact David Owens at (817) 577-2304. 

Flea Market

A flea market, with items supplied by club members, will be open at Metcom
from 10:00am until 5:00pm.  At 4:00pm items left are reduced in price for
even better bargains.  Cash and personnel checks are accepted from club
members and only cash is accepted from non-members.

Jay Miner Memorial Tape

This year at METCOM 96 the MCCC will be offering a two hour VHS tape of
highlights of past METCOMs and a short club history.  The centerpiece of
the tape is Jay Miner's speech and question and answer session at METCOM
89.  The cost will be $9.00 for members and $15.00 for non-members.  A PAL
version is also available at a slightly higher price.  A limited number
will be available at the show, but if the response is good orders will be

Other Attractions

We will be having door prize drawings throughout the day.  You will need to
be present to win.  The entire club software libraries for both the Amiga
and C64/128 will be available to club members.  A special on MCCC
memberships will be offered; thirteen months for the price of twelve
months.  This offer will be good for new memberships or renewals.  We are
working on getting all of our local dealers to attend this year's show.  We
also will have a few computers set up so you can ask the clubs resident
'gurus' for help and advice.

For further information please contact me;

Mark Stodola
(972) 299-6824 from 5:00pm - 10:00pm Central time


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