Amiga CDROM Guide


     Amiga CDROM Guide




     Anders Bakkevold (


     Amiga CDROM Guide (ACDG) was made to help Amiga-owners
     to pick the right CDROM for their needs. It doesn't
     include commecial games or photoCD-discs, but all Amiga
     PD/clipart/fonts/modules collections.

     - It is in the Amigaguide-format.

     - You will find all the vital information on a CDROM, like
       price, contents, publisher etc.

     - Covers 354 CDROMs!

     - 165+ of the CDROMs have a review

     - If you're interrested in for instance raytracing, click
       on the keyword "Raytracing" to get a list of all CDROMs
       that can be assosiated with ratracing.

     - Other keywords: Clipart, fonts, pictures, utilities,
       GNU, text-files, fish etc

     - It's up-to-date with the latest CDROM releases.

     - It is completely independent

     All in all:   790kB of pure information!


v1.6   Seventh release. Contains information about 354 CD-ROMs.
       - 39 CD-ROMs Added:
         3D Objects
         A Bun for Barney 
         AGA Experience Vol 2
         American Vista Atlas
         Amiga Developer CD v1.1
         Amiga Magazin CD 1/96
         Amiga Magazin CD 10/95 
         Amiga Magazin CD 3/96 
         Amiga Magazin CD PD 1 
         Amiga Utilities 2 
         AmigaPlus CD 1/96 
         AmigaPlus CD 2/95 
         AmigaPlus CD 2/96 
         Aminet 11 
         Aminet 12 
         Arcade Classics Plus 
         Artworx CD " lin
         CU-Amiga Mega I 
         CU-Amiga Mega II
         dataTAX Forms 
         Demos are forever
         Do It! 
         Hottest 6
         Japan World 
         Magic Publisher 4 CD-ROM-set
         Magic Workbench Enhancer
         MaxonRAYTRACE Professional 
         MODS Anthology
         Movie Maker Vol 1: Special FX
         My Paint 
         Online Library Vol 1 
         Scene Storm 
         SFX Volume 2 
         The Blanker Collection 
         The EPIC Multimedia Encyclopedia
         Utilities Experience 
         Workbench Add-On 
         XiPaint v4.0 
         Zoom 2 

       - Many crosslinks between CDs have been added. (EG between
       Lock'n'Load 1 and Lock'n'Load 2)
       - Some information updated/corrected


     You will need a program able to display Amigaguide
     files, like Multiview or xkpGuide.


     Amiga CDROM Guide is available from any Aminet site,
     for instance: 

     You can also email me ( and I will
     send you the latest version uuencoded.

     There is also a WWW version available here:


     Amiga CDROM Guide is freeware.


     Amiga CDROM Guide v1.6 is copyright 1996 Anders Bakkevold.
     All rights reserved. You may copy it as you like, as
     long as no changes are made to the archive, and you
     don't charge more than £2.00 for the media and
     copying fees.


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