Letter From Carl Sassenrath
[This piece of mail has become the most ubiquitous letter in the Amiga
community in the past week or so. Not only is it worth a read, but it gave
me a chance to use the word "ubiquitous." From Carl Sassenrath, Viscorp's
Director of Software, to a concerned Amiga user. -Jason]
From: Carl S.[SMTP:carl@sassenrath.com]
Sent: Friday, April 12, 1996 2:51 PM
To: Peter Ostrowski
Subject: Re: amiga?
At 2:19 PM 4/12/96 -0400, Peter Ostrowski wrote:
>HI carl.. Im a happy amiga user who just found out the company you work
>for has just bought (almost) the amiga.. DO you have any mor einfo on
>this.. I aslo heard that you worked on amiga dos os.. THATs cool.. Best
>Dam Os I have ever used... If you have any info the what viscom has
>plans for the amiga, Please email them to me.. I would be for ever
>greatful.. > >thanks! >Pete >Peteo@student.umass.edu > >THe Amiga: Back
for the Future
What I have been telling people is not to worry. We are all Amiga lovers
here. Unlike ESCOM or even Commodore, VIScorp does not have a single IBM
PC person in the development group. We are all solid Amigans from the
very beginning. Personally speaking, I don't plan on killing the Amiga.
In fact, I'm hoping to build one killer Amiga!
Carl Sassenrath
Director of Software, VIScorp
URL: www.vistv.com
PS: Please feel free to post or forward this anywhere and
everywhere, as I am getting swamped with the same email
question from so many dedicated Amigans. Keep the faith!
This is for the better!
Valid Addresses:
EMAIL: carl@sassenrath.com (Please try this one first)
or: carl@pacific.net (Only, if the above fails)
or: carl@vistv.com
URL: www.sassenrath.com
or: www.vistv.com
POST: PO Box 1510, Ukiah, CA 95482, USA
NOTE: NO LONGER ON Compuserve, AOL, AppleLink, BIX, CIX or videostream.com
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