Amiga Web Directory Logo Contest Results

CUCUG recently sponsored a contest to create a new logo for the Amiga Web Directory. We were very surprised by the quality and quantity of submissions which arrived from all over the world (you gotta love the 'net). The winner of the contest was Matias Larsson and his winning entry now adorns the Amiga Web Directory's masthead. Matias chose The Deathbed Vigil and Other Tales of Digital Angst a highly rated film by famous Commodore engineer Dave Haynie available from our contest co-sponsor, Intangible Assets Manufacturing.

The Finalists!

For your viewing and/or downloading pleasure, we have included a sampling of the finalists. These submissions were among the best works received and are listed in alphabetic order by author. We are truly sorry that we cannot show all of the graphics here because of lack of disk space allotment on our local server (hey, we're not complaining, it's free).

CONHIPPO.GIF 27,669 Bytes - Submitted by Hippo,

CONLAR1.GIF 16,523 Bytes - Matias Larsson,

CONLAR2B.GIF 11,497 Bytes - Matias Larsson,

CONLAR3.GIF 17,798 Bytes - Matias Larsson,

CONLAR5.GIF 18,718 Bytes - Matias Larsson,

CONPOAG.GIF 14,241 Bytes - Bowie Poag,

CONWATT.GIF 3,232 Bytes - Andrew Wattenhofer,


awd.jpg 10,799 Bytes - Matias Larsson,

Our Now-Retired Logo, a Relic of Amiga History

CBMAMIGA.GIF 4,631 Bytes - Commodore Business Machines, current address unknown

Our Thanks to All

Our thanks go out to all of the Amiga artists who sent us logo submissions. And, our special thanks go to Intangible Assets Manufacturing, our Contest Co-Sponsor and the donator of the prize!

Champaign-Urbana Commodore Users Group /