Guidelines for Writing for The Amiga Monitor

The Amiga Monitor will gladly publish contributions from other members of the Amiga community. There are several guidelines we would like you to follow, however, if you are interested in writing for us.

There are two types of articles we will accept:

1. Prearranged Articles

  1. Contact our Senior Editor, Samuel Ormes, by sending an e-mail message to, in which you express your interest in writing, and briefly explain what type of writing you would like to do.
  2. A member of the Editorial Staff will respond to your message with information about upcoming deadlines, and a general time frame within which we would be working.
  3. You would then send us your article, and assuming there are no serious problems, we will publish it. You would be listed for that month in the Staff List as a Contributing Writer.

2. Unsolicited Articles

The Amiga Monitor may, at its discretion, choose to publish articles sent to us without any prior contact between the writer and the AM staff. We prefer to have you contact us first, but it is not absolutely necessary. If you do choose to send in an unsolicited article, please remember to include your name and e-mail address. Anonymous submissions will be frowned upon; "pen names" and aliases are acceptable, however.

If you do choose to send an unsolicited article, please send it to MikeWebb@CompuServe.COM.

A few notes on article submission...

And lastly,

Some Key Amiga and Amiga Monitor-oriented links:

Amiga Monitor Main Index | Amiga Web Directory