The Device Kit: Master Index


The ADC BA2D and BD2A


BA2D BA2D and BD2A
BA2D() BA2D and BD2A
~BA2D() BA2D and BD2A
BD2A BA2D and BD2A
BD2A() BA2D and BD2A
~BD2A() BA2D and BD2A
~BDigitalPort BDigitalPort
BDigitalPort Objects BDigitalPort
BDigitalPort() BDigitalPort
BSerialPort() BSerialPort
~BSerialPort() BSerialPort
B_0_BPS Constants and Defined Types
B_110_BPS Constants and Defined Types
B_115200_BPS Constants and Defined Types
B_1200_BPS Constants and Defined Types
B_134_BPS Constants and Defined Types
B_150_BPS Constants and Defined Types
B_1800_BPS Constants and Defined Types
B_19200_BPS Constants and Defined Types
B_200_BPS Constants and Defined Types
B_230400_BPS Constants and Defined Types
B_2400_BPS Constants and Defined Types
B_300_BPS Constants and Defined Types
B_31250_BPS Constants and Defined Types
B_38400_BPS Constants and Defined Types
B_4800_BPS Constants and Defined Types
B_50_BPS Constants and Defined Types
B_57600_BPS Constants and Defined Types
B_600_BPS Constants and Defined Types
B_75_BPS Constants and Defined Types
B_9600_BPS Constants and Defined Types
B_DATA_BITS_7 Constants and Defined Types
B_DATA_BITS_8 Constants and Defined Types
B_EVEN_PARITY Constants and Defined Types
B_HARDWARE_CONTROL Constants and Defined Types
B_NO_PARITY Constants and Defined Types
B_ODD_PARITY Constants and Defined Types
B_SOFTWARE_CONTROL Constants and Defined Types
B_STOP_BITS_1 Constants and Defined Types
B_STOP_BITS_2 Constants and Defined Types


ClearInput() BSerialPort
ClearOutput() BSerialPort
Close() BA2D and BD2A
Close() BDigitalPort
Close() BSerialPort
Constants Constants and Defined Types
Constructor and Destructor BA2D and BD2A
Constructor and Destructor BDigitalPort
Constructor and Destructor BSerialPort


The DAC BA2D and BD2A
DataBits() BSerialPort
DataRate() BSerialPort
data_bits Constants and Defined Types
data_bits Constants Constants and Defined Types
data_rate Constants and Defined Types
data_rate Constants Constants and Defined Types
Defined Types Constants and Defined Types
The Device Kit


Flow Control Constants Constants and Defined Types
FlowControl() BSerialPort


The GeekPort BA2D and BD2A


IsCTS() BSerialPort
IsDCD() BSerialPort
IsDSR() BSerialPort
IsInput() BDigitalPort
IsOpen() BA2D and BD2A
IsOpen() BDigitalPort
IsOutput() BDigitalPort
IsRI() BSerialPort


Member Functions BA2D and BD2A
Member Functions BDigitalPort
Member Functions BSerialPort


Open() BA2D and BD2A
Open() BDigitalPort
Open() BSerialPort
Overdriving an Output Pin BDigitalPort
Overview BA2D and BD2A
Overview BDigitalPort
Overview BSerialPort


ParityMode() BSerialPort
parity_mode Constants and Defined Types
parity_mode Constants Constants and Defined Types


Read() BA2D and BD2A
Read() BDigitalPort
Read() BSerialPort


SetAsInput() BDigitalPort
SetAsOutput() BDigitalPort
SetBlocking() BSerialPort
SetDataBits() BSerialPort
SetDataRate() BSerialPort
SetDTR() BSerialPort
SetFlowControl() BSerialPort
SetParityMode() BSerialPort
SetRTS() BSerialPort
SetStopBits() BSerialPort
SetTimeout() BSerialPort
StopBits() BSerialPort
stop_bits Constants and Defined Types
stop_bits Constants Constants and Defined Types


Using Both Digital Ports at the Same Time BDigitalPort


WaitForInput() BSerialPort
Write() BA2D and BD2A
Write() BDigitalPort
Write() BSerialPort

The Be Book, in lovely HTML, for the BeOS Preview Release.

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Be is a registered trademark; BeOS, BeBox, BeWare, GeekPort, the Be logo, and the BeOS logo are trademarks of Be, Inc.

Last modified July 11, 1997.