The ADC | BA2D and BD2A |
BA2D | BA2D and BD2A |
BA2D() | BA2D and BD2A |
~BA2D() | BA2D and BD2A |
BD2A | BA2D and BD2A |
BD2A() | BA2D and BD2A |
~BD2A() | BA2D and BD2A |
~BDigitalPort | BDigitalPort |
BDigitalPort Objects | BDigitalPort |
BDigitalPort() | BDigitalPort |
BSerialPort() | BSerialPort |
~BSerialPort() | BSerialPort |
B_0_BPS | Constants and Defined Types |
B_110_BPS | Constants and Defined Types |
B_115200_BPS | Constants and Defined Types |
B_1200_BPS | Constants and Defined Types |
B_134_BPS | Constants and Defined Types |
B_150_BPS | Constants and Defined Types |
B_1800_BPS | Constants and Defined Types |
B_19200_BPS | Constants and Defined Types |
B_200_BPS | Constants and Defined Types |
B_230400_BPS | Constants and Defined Types |
B_2400_BPS | Constants and Defined Types |
B_300_BPS | Constants and Defined Types |
B_31250_BPS | Constants and Defined Types |
B_38400_BPS | Constants and Defined Types |
B_4800_BPS | Constants and Defined Types |
B_50_BPS | Constants and Defined Types |
B_57600_BPS | Constants and Defined Types |
B_600_BPS | Constants and Defined Types |
B_75_BPS | Constants and Defined Types |
B_9600_BPS | Constants and Defined Types |
B_DATA_BITS_7 | Constants and Defined Types |
B_DATA_BITS_8 | Constants and Defined Types |
B_EVEN_PARITY | Constants and Defined Types |
B_HARDWARE_CONTROL | Constants and Defined Types |
B_NO_PARITY | Constants and Defined Types |
B_ODD_PARITY | Constants and Defined Types |
B_SOFTWARE_CONTROL | Constants and Defined Types |
B_STOP_BITS_1 | Constants and Defined Types |
B_STOP_BITS_2 | Constants and Defined Types |
ClearInput() | BSerialPort |
ClearOutput() | BSerialPort |
Close() | BA2D and BD2A |
Close() | BDigitalPort |
Close() | BSerialPort |
Constants | Constants and Defined Types |
Constructor and Destructor | BA2D and BD2A |
Constructor and Destructor | BDigitalPort |
Constructor and Destructor | BSerialPort |
The DAC | BA2D and BD2A |
DataBits() | BSerialPort |
DataRate() | BSerialPort |
data_bits | Constants and Defined Types |
data_bits Constants | Constants and Defined Types |
data_rate | Constants and Defined Types |
data_rate Constants | Constants and Defined Types |
Defined Types | Constants and Defined Types |
The Device Kit |
Flow Control Constants | Constants and Defined Types |
FlowControl() | BSerialPort |
The GeekPort | BA2D and BD2A |
IsCTS() | BSerialPort |
IsDCD() | BSerialPort |
IsDSR() | BSerialPort |
IsInput() | BDigitalPort |
IsOpen() | BA2D and BD2A |
IsOpen() | BDigitalPort |
IsOutput() | BDigitalPort |
IsRI() | BSerialPort |
Member Functions | BA2D and BD2A |
Member Functions | BDigitalPort |
Member Functions | BSerialPort |
Open() | BA2D and BD2A |
Open() | BDigitalPort |
Open() | BSerialPort |
Overdriving an Output Pin | BDigitalPort |
Overview | BA2D and BD2A |
Overview | BDigitalPort |
Overview | BSerialPort |
ParityMode() | BSerialPort |
parity_mode | Constants and Defined Types |
parity_mode Constants | Constants and Defined Types |
Read() | BA2D and BD2A |
Read() | BDigitalPort |
Read() | BSerialPort |
SetAsInput() | BDigitalPort |
SetAsOutput() | BDigitalPort |
SetBlocking() | BSerialPort |
SetDataBits() | BSerialPort |
SetDataRate() | BSerialPort |
SetDTR() | BSerialPort |
SetFlowControl() | BSerialPort |
SetParityMode() | BSerialPort |
SetRTS() | BSerialPort |
SetStopBits() | BSerialPort |
SetTimeout() | BSerialPort |
StopBits() | BSerialPort |
stop_bits | Constants and Defined Types |
stop_bits Constants | Constants and Defined Types |
Using Both Digital Ports at the Same Time | BDigitalPort |
WaitForInput() | BSerialPort |
Write() | BA2D and BD2A |
Write() | BDigitalPort |
Write() | BSerialPort |
The Be Book, in lovely HTML, for the BeOS Preview Release.
Copyright © 1997 Be, Inc. All rights reserved.
Be is a registered trademark; BeOS, BeBox, BeWare, GeekPort, the Be logo, and the BeOS logo are trademarks of Be, Inc.
Last modified July 11, 1997.