= | BMessage |
= | BMessageFilter |
= | BMessenger |
== | BMessenger |
Aborted Run | BApplication |
AboutRequested() | BApplication |
ActivateApp() | BRoster |
AddBool() | BMessage |
AddCommonFilter() | BLooper |
AddData() | BMessage |
AddDouble() | BMessage |
AddFilter() | BHandler |
AddFlat() | BMessage |
AddFloat() | BMessage |
AddHandler() | BLooper |
AddInt16() | BMessage |
AddInt32() | BMessage |
AddInt64() | BMessage |
AddInt8() | BMessage |
AddMessage() | BMessage |
AddMessage() | BMessageQueue |
AddMessenger() | BMessage |
AddPoint() | BMessage |
AddPointer() | BMessage |
AddRect() | BMessage |
AddRef() | BMessage |
AddSpecifier() | BMessage |
AddString() | BMessage |
AppActivated() | BApplication |
Application Flags | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
The Application Kit | |
Application Messages | BApplication |
Application Messages | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
Application-Defined Messages | Messaging |
app_info | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
Archive() | BApplication |
Archive() | BHandler |
Archive() | BLooper |
ArgvReceived() | BApplication |
Associations | BHandler |
Asynchronous Replies | Messaging |
~BApplication() | BApplication |
BApplication() | BApplication |
~BClipboard() | BClipboard |
BClipboard() | BClipboard |
be_app | BApplication |
be_app | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
be_clipboard | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
be_roster | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
~BHandler() | BHandler |
BHandler() | BHandler |
~BInvoker() | BInvoker |
BInvoker() | BInvoker |
~BLooper() | BLooper |
BLooper() | BLooper |
BMessage() | BMessage |
~BMessage() | BMessage |
BMessageFilter() | BMessageFilter |
~BMessageFilter() | BMessageFilter |
~BMessageQueue() | BMessageQueue |
BMessageQueue() | BMessageQueue |
BMessenger() | BMessenger |
~BMessenger() | BMessenger |
Broadcast() | BRoster |
~BRoster() | BRoster |
BRoster() | BRoster |
B_ABOUT_REQUESTED | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_ANY_DELIVERY | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_ANY_SOURCE | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_APP_ACTIVATED | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_ARCHIVED_OBJECT | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_ARGV_ONLY | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_ARGV_RECEIVED | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_BACKGROUND_APP | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_CANCEL | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_COPY | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_CREATE_PROPERTY | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_CUT | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_DELETE_PROPERTY | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_DIRECT_SPECIFIER | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_DISPATCH_MESSAGE | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_DROPPED_DELIVERY | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_EXCLUSIVE_LAUNCH | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_GET_PROPERTY | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_GET_SUPPORTED_SUITES | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_HAND_CURSOR | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_INDEX_SPECIFIER | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_I_BEAM_CURSOR | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_LAUNCH_MASK | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_LOCAL_SOURCE | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_LOOPER_PORT_DEFAULT_CAPACITY | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_MESSAGE_NOT_UNDERSTOOD | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_MIME_DATA | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_MULTIPLE_LAUNCH | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_NAME_SPECIFIER | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_NODE_MONITOR | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_NO_REPLY | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_NO_SPECIFIER | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_PASTE | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_PROGRAMMED_DELIVERY | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_PULSE | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_QUERY_UPDATE | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_QUIT_REQUESTED | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_RANGE_SPECIFIER | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_READY_TO_RUN | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_REFS_RECEIVED | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_REMOTE_SOURCE | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_REPLY | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_RESET_STATUS_BAR | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_REVERSE_INDEX_SPECIFIER | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_REVERSE_RANGE_SPECIFIER | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_SAVE_REQUESTED | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_SELECT_ALL | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_SET_PROPERTY | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_SIMPLE_DATA | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_SINGLE_LAUNCH | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_SKIP_MESSAGE | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_SPECIFIERS_END | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
B_UPDATE_STATUS_BAR | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
Class Description | BMessageQueue |
Clear() | BClipboard |
Command Constant | Messaging |
Command() | BInvoker |
Command() | BMessageFilter |
Commit() | BClipboard |
CommonFilterList() | BLooper |
Configuration Messages Received on Launch | BApplication |
Constants | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
Constructing the Object and Running the Message Loop | BApplication |
Constructor and Destructor | BApplication |
Constructor and Destructor | BClipboard |
Constructor and Destructor | BHandler |
Constructor and Destructor | BInvoker |
Constructor and Destructor | BLooper |
Constructor and Destructor | BMessage |
Constructor and Destructor | BMessageFilter |
Constructor and Destructor | BMessageQueue |
Constructor and Destructor | BMessenger |
Constructor and Destructor | BRoster |
CountHandlers() | BLooper |
CountLockRequests() | BLooper |
CountLocks() | BLooper |
CountMessages() | BMessageQueue |
CountNames() | BMessage |
CountWindows() | BApplication |
CurrentMessage() | BLooper |
Cursor Constants | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
The Data Container | BClipboard |
Data Members | BMessage |
Data() | BClipboard |
DataSource() | BClipboard |
Defined Types | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
delete | BMessage |
Derived Classes | BApplication |
DetachCurrentMessage() | BLooper |
DispatchMessage() | BApplication |
DispatchMessage() | BLooper |
Dropped Messages | Messaging |
DropPoint() | BMessage |
Eligible Handlers | BLooper |
Extensions | Messaging |
Filter() | BMessageFilter |
Filtering | BHandler |
FilterList() | BHandler |
FiltersAnyCommand() | BMessageFilter |
filter_result | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
filter_result Constants | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
FindApp() | BRoster |
FindBool() | BMessage |
FindData() | BMessage |
FindDouble() | BMessage |
FindFlat() | BMessage |
FindFloat() | BMessage |
FindInt16() | BMessage |
FindInt32() | BMessage |
FindInt64() | BMessage |
FindMessage() | BMessage |
FindMessage() | BMessageQueue |
FindMessenger() | BMessage |
FindPoint() | BMessage |
FindPointer() | BMessage |
FindRect() | BMessage |
FindRef() | BMessage |
FindString() | BMessage |
FintInt8() | BMessage |
Flatten() | BMessage |
FlattenedSize() | BMessage |
GetActiveAppInfo() | BRoster |
GetAppInfo() | BApplication |
GetAppInfo() | BRoster |
GetAppList() | BRoster |
GetCurrentSpecifier() | BMessage |
GetInfo() | BMessage |
GetRunningAppInfo() | BRoster |
GetSupportedSuites() | BHandler |
Global Variables | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
Handler Associations | Messaging |
HandlerAt() | BLooper |
HandlerForReply() | BInvoker |
HasBool() | BMessage |
HasData() | BMessage |
HasDouble() | BMessage |
HasFloat() | BMessage |
HasInt16() | BMessage |
HasInt32() | BMessage |
HasInt64() | BMessage |
HasInt8() | BMessage |
HasMessage() | BMessage |
HasMessenger() | BMessage |
HasPoint() | BMessage |
HasPointer() | BMessage |
HasRect() | BMessage |
HasRef() | BMessage |
HasSpecifiers() | BMessage |
HasString() | BMessage |
HideCursor() | BApplication |
Hook Functions | BApplication |
Hook Functions | BHandler |
Hook Functions | BLooper |
Hook Functions | BMessageFilter |
IndexOf() | BLooper |
Instantiate() | BApplication |
Instantiate() | BHandler |
Instantiate() | BLooper |
Invoke() | BInvoker |
IsCursorHidden() | BApplication |
IsEmpty() | BMessage |
IsEmpty() | BMessageQueue |
IsLaunching() | BApplication |
IsLocked() | BLooper |
IsReply() | BMessage |
IsRunning() | BRoster |
IsSourceRemote() | BMessage |
IsSourceWaiting() | BMessage |
IsSystem() | BMessage |
IsTargetLocal() | BInvoker |
IsTargetLocal() | BMessenger |
IsValid() | BMessenger |
Launch Constants | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
Launch() | BRoster |
Lock() | BClipboard |
Lock() | BLooper |
Lock() | BMessageQueue |
Locking | BApplication |
LockingThread() | BLooper |
LockTarget() | BMessenger |
LockTargetWithTimeout() | BMessenger |
LockWithTimeout() | BLooper |
Looper Port Capacity | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
Looper() | BHandler |
Looper() | BMessageFilter |
LooperForThread() | BLooper |
main() | BApplication |
MakeEmpty() | BMessage |
Member Functions | BApplication |
Member Functions | BClipboard |
Member Functions | BHandler |
Member Functions | BInvoker |
Member Functions | BLooper |
Member Functions | BMessage |
Member Functions | BMessageFilter |
Member Functions | BMessageQueue |
Member Functions | BMessenger |
Member Functions | BRoster |
Message Constants | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
Message Filters | Messaging |
Message Loops | Messaging |
Message Ownership | Messaging |
Message Protocols | Messaging |
Message Specifiers | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
Message() | BInvoker |
Message-Specific Dispatching | Messaging |
MessageDelivery() | BMessageFilter |
MessageQueue() | BLooper |
MessageReceived() | BApplication |
MessageReceived() | BHandler |
MessageReceived() | BLooper |
Messages | Messaging |
MessageSource() | BMessageFilter |
message_delivery | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
message_delivery Constants | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
message_source | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
message_source Constants | Global Variables,Constants, and Defined Types |
Messenger() | BInvoker |
Name() | BClipboard |
Name() | BHandler |
new | BMessage |
NextHandler() | BHandler |
NextMessage() | BMessageQueue |
ObscureCursor() | BApplication |
Operators | BMessage |
Operators | BMessageFilter |
Operators | BMessenger |
Overview | BApplication |
Overview | BClipboard |
Overview | BHandler |
Overview | BInvoker |
Overview | BLooper |
Overview | BMessage |
Overview | BMessageFilter |
Overview | BMessenger |
Overview | BRoster |
Perform() | BHandler |
Picking a Handler and a Hook Function | Messaging |
PopSpecifier() | BMessage |
Posted Messages | Messaging |
PostMessage() | BLooper |
Preferred Handlers | Messaging |
PreferredHandler() | BLooper |
Previous() | BMessage |
PrintToStream() | BMessage |
Publishing Message Protocols | Messaging |
Pulse() | BApplication |
Quit() | BApplication |
Quit() | BLooper |
QuitRequested() | BApplication |
QuitRequested() | BLooper |
Quitting | BApplication |
ReadyToRun() | BApplication |
Receiving and Dispatching Messages | BLooper |
RefsReceived() | BApplication |
RemoveCommonFilter() | BLooper |
RemoveData() | BMessage |
RemoveFilter() | BHandler |
RemoveHandler() | BLooper |
RemoveMessage() | BMessageQueue |
RemoveName() | BMessage |
ReplaceBool() | BMessage |
ReplaceData() | BMessage |
ReplaceDouble() | BMessage |
ReplaceFlat() | BMessage |
ReplaceFloat() | BMessage |
ReplaceInt16() | BMessage |
ReplaceInt32() | BMessage |
ReplaceInt64() | BMessage |
ReplaceInt8() | BMessage |
ReplaceMessage() | BMessage |
ReplaceMessenger() | BMessage |
ReplacePoint() | BMessage |
ReplacePointer() | BMessage |
ReplaceRect() | BMessage |
ReplaceRef() | BMessage |
ReplaceString() | BMessage |
Replies to Replies | Messaging |
ResolveSpecifier() | BApplication |
ResolveSpecifier() | BHandler |
ReturnAddress() | BMessage |
Run() | BApplication |
Run() | BLooper |
Running the Loop | BLooper |
Sem() | BLooper |
SendMessage() | BMessenger |
SendReply() | BMessage |
Sent Messages | Messaging |
SetCommonFilterList() | BLooper |
SetCursor() | BApplication |
SetFilterList() | BHandler |
SetHandlerForReply() | BInvoker |
SetMessage() | BInvoker |
SetName() | BHandler |
SetNextHandler() | BHandler |
SetPreferredHandler() | BLooper |
SetPulseRate() | BApplication |
SetTarget() | BInvoker |
ShowCursor() | BApplication |
Specialized BLoopers | Messaging |
Static Functions | BApplication |
Static Functions | BHandler |
Static Functions | BLooper |
Synchronous Replies | Messaging |
System Messages | Messaging |
Target Handlers | Messaging |
Target() | BInvoker |
Target() | BMessenger |
Targeted and Preferred Handlers | BLooper |
Targets | BHandler |
Team() | BLooper |
Team() | BMessenger |
TeamFor() | BRoster |
Thread() | BLooper |
Two-Way Communication | Messaging |
Type Codes | Messaging |
Unflatten() | BMessage |
Unlock() | BClipboard |
Unlock() | BLooper |
Unlock() | BMessageQueue |
Using the Clipboard | BClipboard |
WasDelivered() | BMessage |
WasDropped() | BMessage |
WindowAt() | BApplication |
The Be Book, in lovely HTML, for the BeOS Preview Release.
Copyright © 1997 Be, Inc. All rights reserved.
Be is a registered trademark; BeOS, BeBox, BeWare, GeekPort, the Be logo, and the BeOS logo are trademarks of Be, Inc.
Last modified July 11, 1997.