BeOS Programming Tutorials

In order to help out with your programming endeavors, our Developer Support folks have been assembling a series of BeOS programming tutorials. They aren't meant as introductions to C++, but are meant as introductions to (and the progressive advancement of) BeOS programming. What the tutorials will also hopefully provide are insights into specific dimensions of programming the BeOS. Every so often, a new tutorial will be released. If you'd like to see a certain part of the BeOS highlighted in a tutorial, please e-mail us at In the meantime, if you'd like more source code examples, the Engineering Insight articles in the Be Newsletter have some helpful tips, the "Samples" directory of the FTP site is a must-see, and many of the other applications on the Be FTP site include source code.

If you're new to BeOS programming, the Approaching Be tutorial is the best possible place to start. It offers insight into how BeOS programs are structured and how applications intereact with the Servers and Kits of the BeOS.

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