AppSketcher: The Instance Viewer
When you ask for a new module (through AppSketcher's New Module
command in the app's main menu),
AppSketcher presents a new, empty Instance Viewer.
The Instance Viewer
is a repository for the objects that you want to add to your
module. To add an object, you drag the desired class item from the
Class Viewer and drop it into
the Instance Viewer. (Note, however, that the
Class Viewer isn't the only provider of class items; see
Class Viewer
documentation for more information on
this point.)
The item that appears in the Instance Viewer represents
an instance of the dropped class. To the right we see the aftermath
of dragging a BApplication object into the Viewer.
The "Class:" text above the Viewer's left column displays the class
of the "currently selected object." The "Name:" form presents the name
of the selected object; a default name is conjured for you when you
drop an object. You can change the name to suit your tastes; here we
change the name of the BApplication object to "MyApp".
The name that you assign to an object is the name by which
it's known to the LRModule object within your application.
You can pass the name to LRModule's FindInstance() function
to find a particular
You can drag any class of object into your Instance Viewer: You
aren't restricted to just windows and views (for example). Nonetheless,
dropping a window object into your Instance Viewer is usually
one of the first things you do:
When you drop a window object into the Instance Viewer, an
"Interface Window" appears. At this point, you can
build your module by dragging
class items directly into the Interface Window.
Instance Viewer and the Interface Window are
more or less equivalent: When you drop an object into the
one, an item appears in the other (with some exceptions).
The rest of this document describes the features and functions
of the Instance Viewer and Interface Window.
The Instance Viewer's column layout expresses a container hierarchy:
An object that's displayed in a particular column
in the Instance Viewer is "contained"
within the object that's displayed in the next column to the left.
The container hierarchy is similar to the view hierarchy--
it's actually a superset of the view hierarchy in that
it can represent a view hierarchy and also lets you
add non-view objects as well.
The Instance Viewer
maintains and displays a current selection upon which the
Viwer's menu commands operate.
The current selection is drawn in dark gray; the hierarchical path
that leads to the selection is shown in light gray (the light gray-drawn
items are called "path" objects).
To set the current selection, you simply click on the desired item
in the Viewer.
You can also set the current selection by control-clicking
an object in the module's Interface Window.
The Instance Viewer will automatically scroll (if necessary) to the
object's column so it can be seen.
The Instance Viewer shown above displays part of the container
hierarchy for the module in the Samples/Sample1 directory.
Notice that the the selected item, "File", is a BMenuItem object.
This object isn't a view, yet it's interposed between two
objects that are views: BMenuBar to the left, and
BMenu to the right.
When you drop a class item into an Instance Viewer, the column over
which you drop the icon is significant: The object is added to
that column, and the "container parent" is the path object in the
next column to the left. For example, let's add a BTextControl to
the BView object shown in the Sample1 Instance Viewer. We get
a BTextControl out of the Class Viewer and drop it into the column
to the right of the BView. The result looks like this:
Notice that a recently dropped object is automatically selected.
Here we see the module's Interface
Window after the text control object is dropped. Obviously, we'll
want to move the control around and resize it:
To move an object in the Interface Window, you simply click within
the object's bounds and drag it where you want it.
To indicate that it read your click, AppSketcher
turns the corners of the clicked-on object blue.
To resize, you grab a corner or edge of the object and drag.
When you grab part of an object for resizing, AppSketcher draws that
part in red.
Here, the top button is about to be resized horizontally.
The Instance Viewer
maintains and displays a current selection upon which the
Viwer's menu commands operate.
The current selection is drawn in dark gray; the hierarchical path
that leads to the selection is shown in light gray (the light gray-drawn
items are called "path" objects).
To set the current selection, you simply click on the desired item
in the Viewer.
You can also set the current selection by control-clicking
an object in the module's Interface Window.
The Instance Viewer will automatically scroll (if necessary) to the
object's column so it can be seen.
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