BeWare Highlight: Sum-It (spreadsheet)

Although Be talks about multi-media geeks, it's nice to see native BeOS productivity applications appearing. We highlighted Reggae Write a couple of weeks ago and this highlight covers the other half that makes up the dynamic duo we know and love as the word processor and spreadsheet.

Sum-It spreadsheet was authored by Maarten L. Hekkelman of Hekkelman Programmatuur and was originally written for the Macintosh platform. Sum-It has been rewritten in order to take every advantage of running under the modern BeOS. All calculations within Sum-It are handled in multiple threads resulting in high speed calculations throughout. Sum-It includes support for plug-ins so you can add your own functions.


If you've used any graphical spreadsheet before, you'll have no problem quickly creating one within Sum-It. Standard support for filling functions and incremental values across a page, colored and formatted text and numbers, and resizable columns and rows is included. The focus of development on Sum-It to this point has been in the area of stability and it has proven itself rock solid during our Be Demo Tours.


The current version of Sum-It is 1.0.1. Version 1.1 (pictured above) will be released shortly after the BeOS Preview Release and at that time Sum-It will become a commercial product. Version 1.1 features of Sum-It will include complete graphing support (pictured above) and import filters, just to name a couple.

Vital Statistics

Availability: Available Now!
Web Page:
Cost: TBD
Contact: Maarten Hekkelman,

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