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The Site Construction Power Tool

WebLord Exit Codes and Messages

Software Exit Codes
Describes the meaning of various exit codes that the software returns to the operating system.
WebLord Messages
An alphabetical listing of error and warnings messages that WebLord produces.

Software Exit Codes

The exit code that WebLord returns to the operating system indicates if the software performed the expected operations or the severity of the kind of problem that kept it from completing the operation:

0All is fine
5Couldn't run because program arguments are in error
10A problem exists with the site definition
20A critical error occurred from which recover was not possible

WebLord Messages

The messages that WebLord generates are hoped to be informative enough to stand on their own, but if you need additional detail, then the following gives additional details. The messages are ordered alphabetically, without the "WebLord:" prefix.

Notice that if WebLord is run with a debugging level higher than the normal level 1 (level 0 is the same as "QUIET" operation), then additional messages will be output that indicate various processing decisions and addtional details.

Cannot open file '...' for page '...'
WebLord is unable to open for output the named file, as defined from the (possibly inherited) 'output' property of the given page.

Cannot open post-exec-batch file '...'
WebLord is unable to open the named file (as given by the 'post-exec-batch' property, usually defined in the first SITE object) for output. The file is meant to receive the commands generated by the 'post-exec' properties of all generated pages.

Notice that if you define multiple (different) 'post-exec-batch' properties on different pages (rather than in the SITE object to apply to all pages) then the first 'post-exec-batch' property encountered during processing will apply to all subsequently generated pages, too, provided they define a 'post-exec-batch' property. As this can become confusing, it is almost always preferred to specify the 'post-exec-batch' file "globally" (i.e. in the SITE object).

Inaccessible #include file ... (Line L of file ...)
The named file, as specified on line L of the indicated file, cannot be included because it cannot be opened.

Input file '...' unavailable (object '...')
The named file is not not available to supply a value to the object. The file is meant to supply a value to the object because the 'value-in-file' property for the object has a value.

Invalid IF expression for object '...'
The 'if' expression for the named object is not valid for reasons of the message given just before this message.

Invalid operator '...'
The indicated operator is not valid for an 'if' expression. Valid operators are:
'=' or '==' or 'eq' (equal)
, '!=' or '<>' or 'ne' (not equal)
, '<' or 'lt' (less than)
'<=' or 'le' less than or equal
'>' or 'gt' (greater than)
'>=' or 'ge' (greater than or equal)
Another message will follow this one with details on where in the definition file the faulty expression is found.

#maxrecurse ignored (Line L of file ...)
A '#maxrecurse' statement as given on line L of the named file has been ignored because a previously encountered '#lockrecurse' statement prevented this value from being changed. This message is a warning, not an error. It does not terminate processing. You can suppress this (and other warnings) by placing a '#warnings off' command in each "affected" file.

Missing value #1
An 'if' is missing the first portion of its expression. Another message will follow this one with details on where in the definition file the faulty expression is found.

Missing operator
An 'if' is missing the second portion of its expression. Another message will follow this one with details on where in the definition file the faulty expression is found.

Missing value #2
An 'if' is missing the third portion of its expression. Another message will follow this one with details on where in the definition file the faulty expression is found.

Need site configuration file!
You invoked WebLord without the name of a file that defines the site. The name of this file is the only required argument to the program. Please see the section on how to run WebLord for additional information on this and other arguments that WebLord understands.

No memory for page list!
WebLord builds a list of the pages that you specify so that it can process them. It seems that your computer has insufficient memory to create this list.

No 'site' object available to supply page names for site!
The file that supplies your site definition must define at least one SITE object from which WebLord can determine which pages it is to generate for the site. You will not receive this message if you specify the name of at least one page to be generated, because WebLord then does not need to consult the (first) SITE object to obtain this information.

Object '%s' is missing the required '%s' property!
The named object must have the required property ('value' or 'image-url'). TEXT objects do not inherit the 'value' property from their parents, but IMAGE objects can inherit the 'image-url' property.

Out of memory on #include (Line L of file ...)
WebLord is unable to allocated the required memory while attempting to '#include' another file on line L of the named file.

Page object '...' is undefined!
The named page object is not defined in the site definition file from which WebLord is to build the site. If you specified the page name as part of the arguments given to WebLord when you ran it, then that is where you should look for the error. If you gave no arguments, then WebLord consulted the 'pages' property of the first SITE object to obtain the list of pages to generate, and the named page object is being referenced there.

Page '...' has no 'value' property
The indicated page object does not define a 'value' property from which the page contents are constructed. Notice that 'value' properties are never inherited.

Page '...' has no 'output' property
The indicated page object does not define (or inherit) an 'output' property which defines the name of the file to which the page contents are to be written.

Page '...' suppressed: no reference to 'copyright-notice' object!
Every page must reference (not define) the 'copyright-notice' property so that pages generated with WebLord can be property identified. The global.wl file shipped with WebLord references this object for you, along with convenient definitions for HTML headers. You merely need to #include this file and reference its header objects (or study the file and perform a similar operation yourself).

Page '...' vanished!?
An internal processing error resulted in an unexpected inability of WebLord to locate the page after it had already determined that the object exists. If you ever get this message from WebLord, please submit a problem report at once!

Processing site description file '...'
WebLord begins by loading the named site description file. This is not an error.

Processing terminated due to error!
If WebLord encounters a problem, it will explain the nature of the problem and terminate with this message.

---------- RUNAWAY RECURSION? ----------
This message is followed by a dozen or more lines of diagnostics that are designed to help you determine which symbol definitions are involved in the recursive evaluation. Recursive evaluation occurs when a symbol A is defined to have a value B, and a symbol B has a value A. To obtain the value of A, the symbol B must be evaluated, but to determine the value of B, the symbol A must be evaluated. Such a "loop" is said to be recursive.

In actuality, recursive definitions are often more complex than the A/B example above, sometimes involving three, four or five "levels" before the definition loops back upon itself. Recursive definitions are often the most difficult problem to resolve. The information following this message provides details on the symbols that WebLord is trying to resolve.

'Site' object '...' has no 'pages' property!
The named SITE object does not define a 'pages' property, which WebLord needs to determine which pages it is to generate for the site .You will not receive this message if you specify the name of at least one page to be generated, because WebLord then does not need to consult the 'pages' property to obtain this information.

Too many (N) #include levels (Line L of file ...)
An '#include' statement on line L of the named file caused an attempt to recursively include more than N levels. By default, N is limited to 4 levels. A '#maxrecurse' statement can increase this number, and a '#lockrecurse' can lock that value (to prevent it from being increased by subsequent '#maxrecurse' statements.

Undefined property for value #1(...)
The first part of an 'if' expression evaluated to nothing. Another message will follow this one with details on where in the definition file the faulty expression is found.

Undefined property for operator (...)
The second part of an 'if' expression evaluated to nothing. Another message will follow this one with details on where in the definition file the faulty expression is found.

Undefined property #2 (...)
The third part of an 'if' expression evaluated to nothing. Another message will follow this one with details on where in the definition file the faulty expression is found.

Unterminated literal on line N of file '...'
A quoted string literal on line N of the named file was not terminated before the end of the line was reached. If it seems that the last character on the line is a quote, then look for a missing starting quote on the same line.

Writing page '...' to file '..'
WebLord is writing the named page to the indicated file. This is not an error.

WebLord is Copyright © 1997 Udo K Schuermann. The latest versions of the software and (this) documentation can be obtained from the WebLord Home Page (the link will only function if you are connected to the internet.) This page has last been updated on Sunday August 03, 1997.