.name Program's Name .fullname Long/full name, if any .type Type of program (see below) .short Short (40 character) description, à la Aminet .description Long, possibly quite verbose description .version Release.Version .date Release date (yyyy.mm.dd) .author Author's name .restrictions Restrictions (perhaps crippleware info) .requirements Special requirements (such as MUI) .reference Reference to other related programs, two lines each (1: path, 2:version) .distribution Distribution type (see below) .price Price (if any) .address Author's postal address (not including author's name) .email Author's email address .url .exectype ARexx, shell script, binary, interpreted BASIC, ... .installsize How big is this thing, approximately? .source Type (language) of source code, if any .construction How built? AMOS, SAS/C, DICE, Modula-2, Oberon, Assembler, ... .tested Tested on what type of systems .run See above .docs Filenames of documentation .aminet-dir /biz/patch .aminet-file KingFisher223.lha .keywords fish product-info aquarium newaqua fishcat walrus .described-by Who wrote this description?