hide random home http://www.siggraph.org/s97/registration/new.html (Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)


Simplified registration fees.

Simplified registration categories.

Improved access to all programs and events.

SIGGRAPH 97 introduces a simplified fee structure that slashes the cost of Full Conference registration by up to 39 percent. For SIGGRAPH 97, registration categories have been simplified to three options that broaden access to all the world's finest computer graphics programs and events.

SIGGRAPH 97 Registration

Full Conference Conference Select Exhibits Plus
Postmarked on or before 27 June
Member $480 $150 $25
Non-Member $580 $150 $25
Student $200 $150 $25
Postmarked after 27 June
Member $600 $200 $50
Non-Member $720 $200 $50
Student $250 $200 $50