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 Media Headquarters

Rooms 150 A,B, and C
Los Angeles Convention Center

Sunday, 3 August
10 am - 6 pm

Monday - Wednesday, 4-6 August
8 am - 6 pm

Thursday, 7 August
8 am - 5 pm

Friday, 8 August
8:30 am - 1 pm

SIGGRAPH 97 Media Headquarters features facilities and equipment to ensure a productive conference experience for all media representatives. Services, materials, and equipment provided include:

* Registration and Badge Pick-up

* SIGGRAPH 97 Exhibitor Press Kits

* SIGGRAPH 97 Program & Buyer's Guide

* SIGGRAPH 97 Conference & Exhibitor Locator

* Equipment

Macintosh and IBM-compatible computers (3.5-inch disks)
Fax and Copier
Telephone (credit cards required for long-distance calls)

* Reference Materials
(for use in Media Headquarters Office Only)

Conference Proceedings (printed and CD-ROM)
Course Notes (printed and CD-ROM)
Visual Proceedings (printed and CD-ROM)
Educators CD-ROM
Slide Sets -- Selections from the Technical Program and Ongoings: The Fine Arts Gallery images

The SIGGRAPH 97 media relations staff on hand in Los Angeles will gladly assist you with any interview requests. The Conference and Program Chairs will be available throughout the week for one-on-one interviews. A room has been reserved at the Los Angeles Convention Center (Room 301 B) for interviews in a quiet, private setting.