After you have made the commitment to exhibit at SIGGRAPH 97, it's time to maximize your participation in this event. You are not alone in this process. We work with you to promote your company at the exhibition.
Exhibitor Guest Registration | Generate Traffic to Your Booth
Far beyond the thousands of attendees who register for the technical programs and conference activities, more than 85,000 complimentary exhibitor guest passes are distributed. Exhibitors are encouraged to take part in this attendance-building program by distributing these guest passes to clients and prospects.
A Link to Your Web Site | Increase Your Web Audience
The SIGGRAPH 97 Web site is a powerful pre-show source for all the details about the conference, and a popular area is the list of exhibitors with links back to their Web sites. The site is packed with information attendees need and is promoted in SIGGRAPH 97 advertisements, brochures, media releases, and all other promotional correspondence.
Career Center | Meet The Brightest and Most Talented
A fully staffed Career Center will allow exhibitors to post job opportunities, review résumés, and reserve interview rooms during SIGGRAPH 97.
Advertising Opportunity | An Exclusive
The SIGGRAPH 97 Program & Buyers Guide is an excellent way to attract the attention of your buyers. All exhibitors and attendees receive a copy of the program when they arrive at SIGGRAPH 97. Your ad reaches 100 percent of the buyers at the show. Attendees refer to the program for products and services year-round, so your ad maintains visibility throughout the year.
Meeting and Reception Services | For Your Convenience
SIGGRAPH 97 maintains an all-space hold at all Los Angeles convention properties and hotels. We will provide you with assistance in scheduling meeting and banquet functions.
Public Relations/Media Opportunities | Getting The Word Out
SIGGRAPH 97 promotes both conference activities and exhibitors in media materials distributed to over 1,000 publications. The guided media tour is highlighted by stops at exhibitors' booths. A fully staffed media room is available for media kit distribution.