Booth Exhibitor 948 I. D. Magazine 1153 IBM 3626 IdN/Systems Design Limited 1539 IEEE Computer Society 231 IMAGICA Corporation of America 2653 Imagina - INA 2045 Immersion Corporation 768 Industrial Light & Magic 469 InnovMetric Software Inc. 3508 InSpeck Inc. (formerly known as Laser InSpeck) 2363 Integrated Computing Engines, Inc. 639 Intel Corporation 2211 Interactive Effects/Amazon 1476 Interactive Pictures Corporation 439 Intergraph Corporation 1769 InterSense 2645 IRIS Graphics, Inc. 946 ITI (Indusys Technology Inc.) 3525 ITU Research, Inc.
Alphabetical index of SIGGRAPH 97 Exhibitors:
# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z