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The entire computer graphics industry -- industry leaders, software pioneers, hardware visionaries, academic theorists, and inspired artists -- sharing food, refreshment, ideas, and insights in unique LA venues.

 Welcome Reception

Electric Garden & Ongoings: The Fine Arts Gallery
Sunday, 3 August  6 pm to 8 pm

Mingle and chat with a fascinating and diverse group of people: industry leaders, software pioneers, hardware visionaries, academic theorists, and inspired artists

 Course Reception

The WaterCourt at California Plaza
Monday, 4 August  8 pm to 11 pm

Food, refreshments, and socializing at downtown LA's outdoor WaterCourt, where water elements perform solo and in harmony. The most prominent element: a huge matrix of air-powered water plumes.

Tickets for the Course reception are included with registration materials for Full Conference registration. Tickets can also be purchased at on-site registration in North Hall.

 Papers/Panels Reception

Pershing Square, Olive and 6th Streets
Thursday, 7 August  8 pm to 11 pm

Three thousand of the world's leading computer graphics explorers gather in the lawns and alcoves of downtown LA's historic Pershing Square for food, refreshments, and games.

Tickets for the Papers/Panels reception are included with the Full Conference registration. Tickets can also be purchased at on-site registration in North Hall.