hide random home http://www.newtek.com/tech/faqs/lightwav/intel/noptrdia.html (Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)

Pointer Disappears -- Diamond Stealth

Product: Lightwave

Platforms: Intel

Problem: The pointer disappears when LightWave is run. The user has a Diamond Stealth card, and is using Diamond's drivers.

Toggle numlock a few times, you should get the pointer back. Weird but it works. We're using Stealth 64 DRAM version here on a couple of machines. If you don't have 2MB on the card, add RAM, and if you don't have the drivers that will let you do 64K colors in 1MB and 24-bit color in 2MB RAM, you can download them from the Diamond BBS, they were recently posted there. Check your manual for the number.

Note: This was observed in Lightwave Intel 4.0 Pre-release, and may not be applicable to newer versions.

Amiga IntelMIPSAlphaMacintoshSGI