hide random home http://www.newtek.com/tech/faqs/lightwav/amiga/solidpre.html (Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)

Modeler Preview "Solid Moving" Mode Causes Unstable Screen or Crash

Product: Lightwave

Platforms: Amiga

Problem: When the Solid Moving preview mode is selected in Modeler, the screen goes completely unstable.

This can occur in 3.5 SA if the ChangeMode program has not been used to set Modeler to the same screen mode as Workbench Preferences. This also works most reliably if the Amiga is in an NTSC mode, such as Hi-res or Hi-Res Lace, as opposed to DBLNTSC modes, or productivity mode.

Please note that while the stand-alone Lightwave 3.5 package includes the beginnings of support for retargetable cards such as the Picasso, that support is currently limited. Lightwave still operates dependably when used in the screen modes standard on any model Amiga, i.e. NTSC high res interlace. All functions of the program are available in that mode. When used in 800x600 mode, static preview is available in Modeler, but Moving preview does not work.

If using Solid Preview causes a crash, check your version of the 68040.library (assuming you're using an '040). Version 37.04 caused the solid model preview crash. Version 37.10 or higher cures the problem.

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