hide random home http://www.newtek.com/tech/faqs/lightwav/amiga/scrnleft.html (Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)

Modeler Screen Has Buttons Cut off on Left

Product: Lightwave

Platforms: Amiga

Problem: The Modeler screen has the left edge or right edge cut off, and that edge may be "wrapping" to the opposite edge of the screen.

This can usually be corrected by adjusting your Workbench OverScan Preferences. You need to expand the Graphics overscan setting to accommodate the LightWave/Modeler screens. In LightWave 3.5 Standalone, you may also need to make certain that you have used ChangeMode, from the Utilities drawer, to set Modeler to the same screen mode as you have selected in your Amiga Preferences.

Amiga IntelMIPSAlphaMacintoshSGI