Last Frame of Animation Clip Flashes
Product: Lightwave Flyer Platforms: Amiga Intel Alpha MIPS Macintosh Problem: On attempt to play a FlyerClip rendered by LightWave, the last frame flashes.
Is the animation an even number of frames long? If the number of frames is an odd number, then only half a color frame is being displayed as the last frame, and this will confuse the system. The number of frames in a rendered animation must be evenly divisible by two. Many people get this error by changing the Start Frame for a rendering to 0. As an example, if the high frame number in the animation is 300, and the user sets the Start Frame for the render at 0, instead of LightWave's default 1, then the rendered anim will have 301 frames, with the final frame being the first half of a colorframe.
Amiga Intel MIPS Alpha Macintosh SGI