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For Immediate release.

SubjeSubject: Hands-On LW Workshops :

The Washburn University/NewTek Technology Center will offer the following HANDS-ON LightWave workshops in 1997. LightWave 3D Essentials June 18-19 Advanced LightWave 3D Techniques June 20-22

LightWave 3D Essentials August 18-19 Advanced LightWave 3D Techniques August 20-21 Organic Modeling and Character Animation August 22-23

LightWave 3D Essentials October 10-12 Advanced LightWave 3D Techniques October 13-14

The cost is $295 per workshop or two workshops for $495.

For full descriptions of these hands-on workshops, visit:


The instructor for all of these workshops is Bob Anderson of NewTek. Bob has taught thousands of people across North America to utilize the full potential of the Video Toaster, Flyer, and LightWave 3D. For the Advanced Techniques and Organic Modeling and Character Animation classes, please pay close attention to the prerequisite skills. These are fast paced workshops for experienced LightWave users.

For more information about these hands-on training opportunities e-mail me privately and include your postal address so I can send you a paper brochure.

Vance Laine E-mail: zzlaine@acc.wuacc.edu Program Coordinator Phone: (913) 231-1010, Ext. 1399 Division of Continuing Education Fax: (913) 231-1027 Washburn University |------------------------------------| 1700 SW College | http://www.wuacc.edu/ce/index.html | Topeka, KS 66621 USA |------------------------------------|