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Ami Cheat's Page - ROCKET RANGER


Rescue the professor as this slows down the nazis, they can't use him to increase their efficiency. You will waste valuable time unless you rescue him from the zeppelin while he is over the atlantic shooting the gunner in the gondola is tricky, the best method being shoot below the gunner and move left and right until you are on target. Gradually move up until you hit the gondola. When you hit it there is a flash, stop firing and after a few seconds you'll be inside the gondola.

Find the supply of lunarium before the fort knox supply runs out, so infiltrate the nazi base which recieves lunarium from the moon. It is in south america or africa, once infiltrated, your agent there will cary on sending you lunarium throughout the game. You will have to storm the nazi base first.



When you have loaded the game and you are greeted with the option menu, go straight to the War Room. Now move two of your agents to South America, and place the other three agents in Africa. Forget about flashy Joe on Germany, move them straight to these areas, then exit. Now takeoff. Forget the fuel depot. Enter 23 into your tank to get you to the Atlantic.


On the first screen, the Zeppelin will move from left to right across the screen. You can not hit it with your gun, but you can destroy the torpedoes that are fired at you. Once ten torpedoess have been fired, regardless of whether you have hit them all or not, you go automatically onto the next screen.

On the second screen, the zeppelin is much closer. Here you have to aim at the gondola just below the main airsack. Torpedoes are also fired at you. Try to dodge them; do not bother about destroying them unless they get in the way. The main objective here is to shoot the gondola. If you successfully hit it, a green flash will appear. Do not fire anymore, and you will go onto the next screen. If you accidently shoot the airsack on the zepp, then it blows up and you have failed this bit. But do not worry, as you have not lost the game. See the `Barnstoff's Captured' section in this solution for more details.

On the third screen, you will now be in the zeppelin gondola, where Jane and the Prof are. After she says something to you, on the FIRST time you successfully rescue them, you reply like this:

  1. "Loosen up Dollface"
  2. "I like your style"
  3. "I oughtta teach you"
  4. "I took the scenic route"
  5. "Can you use some help?"

Once this has been entered, you automatically fly back to Fort Dix, with Jane and the Prof. Later in the game, the Nazi's capture Jane and the Prof again from the USA, in which you have to attack the Zeppelin again, it happens three times in all. The second time you successfully get into the Gondola your relies are:

  1. "I'm glad to see you too"
  2. "I just want to help you"
  3. "Can you use some help?"

The third time, your replies are:

  1. "I'd be happy to leave"
  2. "I just want to help you"
  3. "Can you use some help?"

These replies ALWAYS work successfully if you enter them in the correct order.


You should return here after you have returned from the first zeppelin raid. Your agents should be flashing so read the reports. Your first objective is to find the Nazi Bases. The next objective is to find the 5 Rocket parts, organise resistance in the west, and knock Nazi effeciency down a bit.

The Temple base is nearly always in SOUTH AMERICA, whereas the DESERT BASE is nearly always in AFRICA. Try these places for both bases:

South America: Venezuela, Columbia, etc

Africa: Middle-East, Kenya, East Africa, Egypt, etc.

Once a base is found, organise resistance and fly to it straight away. When you go for a fly, try to visit more than one country if possible. ie, attack a Rocket Factory, then go to a base. Once resistance is organized, Lunarium comes flooding in.

It is also useful having a bash at a Zeppelin Factory, or a fighter base, or a brain washing plant just to slow the Zeppelins down. Once the two bases are found etc, you must locate the 5 parts of the Rocket. It is also usefull to try and get Canada, and all of South America turned brown, which means resistance organized, as it gives you extra time for locating rocket parts, as the zeppelins take longer to occupy a country with resistance organized in it.

Try to keep two agents in the left side of the world, leaving three agents to investigate the right part. If you have less than three agents left, and you are still locating the two bases, FORGET IT - start again! Once you have all 5 parts, and enough Lunarium, you can construct your rocket and fly to the moon.


If you blow up the zeppelin (silly bod!) then they are first taken to Germany in a sub, when you get back to Fort Dix, you get a message saying that they are going to get exterminated, and it suggests you fly to Germany. Well I strongly advise you not too. I have completed the game by ignoring this message, it is up to you, but I advise you don't. If you forget about it, you later get another message saying they have been taken to the desert base (one of the Lunarium ones you are trying to find!). If you ignore it again, they just get sent to the moon unharmed.

If you want to fly to Germany, when you get the message about Jane and the Prof, then you get the Shoot Planes screen. If you kill them (easy as there are only eight!) you land in Germany, where you get immiediately captured, you then get interrogated, and you answer as the zeppelin screen. I never got this right. I once told him that "Hitler eats Babies" in which I escaped to another country, but I did not free Jane and the Prof.

If you are unsuccessful, then when you get the next message about them being taken to the Desert Base, fly to it (that is if you have found it!) and you get captured again, with the same screen as Germany! Which is why I ignored it as I could never get the answers right! As I mentioned before, it is not necessary to go through this bit.

If you fly to Germany when Jane and the Prof are not there, and successfully shoot the planes down, then when you land you get a message saying well done, and Nazi efficiency has gone down by 5%.


This is where you can knock down the percentage in the top right hand screen, to slow the Zeppelin down. You do this by your agents reporting about a brainwashing plant, or looting of art treasure, zeppelin factory. If you fly to the country, then all it is, is the plane shoot, and once this is done you get a suitable message saying efficiency down by 10%. It is only worth doing this in the early stages of the game, as the plane shoot gets much harder later on.

ME 109'S

On this screen you are soaring above the clouds, ME 109's attack in formations, the best way I have found is to stay at the bottom and pick them off. This screen, in my opinion, is the hardest screen of the game, except for perhaps the moon shoot out. Once you have been hit three times, then kaput. You'd better have enough Lunarium to get home!


Make sure you have loaded up with enough Lunarium - a heavy load is harder to take off of course, but if you press the button, in time to his legs being directly underneath his body, you should manage it. Watch out for the lame seagull, and also watch out for the UFO which appears from time to time on the screen where you soar up through the sky.


This is the attack on the Desert Base. It is at night, and ack-ack batteries come at you from the top of the screen. If you fire your gun a bit before the batteries, you will destroy them. Once you have hit ten you have done it! You can only take three hits from Flak! Very easy.


This is also very, very easy. This places you in front of a temple, where you have to knock out machine guns positioned at the windows. Pull down on the joystick and the bullets miss you, you have three seconds before the machine gun opens up, so rush to the window and fire slightly above it, and KABOOM! If you get hit three times then you have failed. Once you destroy all guns, the door opens and you have done it!


When you fly to a rocket factory, upon landing you have to bash the pulp out of a guard. There are four moves and two ducks, the ducks are use- less. The first three guards are dead easy, the last two can be sorted out if you keep the joystick pressed up, and press the firebutton when his face is uncovered, knock his bar down, and BLAM, you did it!


Once you have the final rocket part and 500 units of Lunarium, assemble your rocket, load the Lunarium and blast off! You will then find yourself in the Mine. You have to shoot the women zombie slaves from the platforms in similiar fashion to the Temple shoot out. To hit them stay down until the girls cease firing, then move over and shoot them. Be quick as they will escape on ropes and return. Repeat the process carefully, for those on the right. Don't forget that your vision becomes impaired due to the effects of the Lunarium, so hurry. If you have succeeded, the world is saved! If you are to slow, then Nazi's are in the Whitehouse!


Surprise, surprise...your not done. It seems the nazi's have gotten their technology from some helping aliens. All you have to do is shoot all the aliens eyes while avoiding his spit!

Once he's dead, your done! CONGRADULATIONS!!!

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