hide random home http://www.netrover.com/~timt/cheats/l/lightcorridor.html (Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)

Ami Cheat's Page - LIGHT CORRIDOR


The green diamonds are essential as these award you with an extra life. Some of the red diamonds will allow control over two bats but this is more of a hinderence as the two bats prove confusing. Avoid the blue squares as they will shrink the size of your bat.


01-"0000" | 11-"9305" | 21-"3212" | 31-"2819" | 41-"1926"
02-"5400" | 12-"3406" | 22-"0213" | 32-"9919" | 42-"9726"
03-"0101" | 13-"0407" | 23-"8213" | 33-"7320" | 43-"5927"
04-"3901" | 14-"6407" | 24-"5014" | 34-"2521" | 44-"0528"
05-"2602" | 15-"2008" | 25-"1015" | 35-"0622" | 45-"7328"
06-"9902" | 16-"7408" | 26-"8215" | 36-"3722" | 46-"3929"
07-"4303" | 17-"4709" | 27-"5116" | 37-"1223" | 47-"3030"
08-"9003" | 18-"3810" | 28-"5116" | 38-"4523" | 48-"0531"
09-"6904" | 19-"0511" | 29-"7017" | 39-"4124" | 49-"8431"
10-"3305" | 20-"6811" | 30-"5518" | 40-"1825" | 50-"9932"

index... | # | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ...main