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Ami Cheat's Page - HOLIDAY LEMMINGS 93



02-Floating lemming flurry: -------- "IJJLDNCCCN"
03-Holiday lemmings: --------------- "OJNLHCEDCT"
04-Lemming tracks in the snow: ----- "HLDLCMNECT"
05-Christmas south of the equator: - "LDLCAJNFCK"
06-Lemming snowfall: --------------- "LHCKKONGCN"
07-Lemming snowjourn: -------------- "LCANNLDHCQ"
08-Clouds of lemmings: ------------- "CINLLLHICL"
09-A block from home: -------------- "CAJHMDLJCJ"
10-Lemmings below zero: ------------ "MJHMDLCKCW"
11-At me in a cave: ---------------- "NJOLHCGLCN"
12-Presents of mind: --------------- "JMDLCINMCK"
13-Yo-yo-lem-lem: ------------------ "MDLCAKLNCS"
14-Marshmallow land: --------------- "DLCKJNMOCO"
15-Head for the hills: ------------- "LCENMMDPCM"
16-The long way around: ------------ "CKNOMDLQVC"


01-Odgil lemmings: ----------------- "CAJKNNHBDM"
02-Lemmings up high: --------------- "KJKLFLCCDR"
03-Check your hints: --------------- "KJLGNCADDO"
04-Santus lemmingus: --------------- "JLFLCKNEDW"
05-It came upon a lemnight clear: -- "LFLCAJOFDO"
06-A single lemming: --------------- "FLCKJNLGDY"
07-Break on through: --------------- "LCANNLGHDU"
08-Presents of mind 2: ------------- "CMOONOHIDJ"
09-Lemmings--The motion picture: --- "CAJJMFNJDQ"
10-The wrath of lem: --------------- "KKHMFNCKDK"
11-The search for lem: ------------- "NKMFNCALDX"
12-The voyage home: ---------------- "KMGLCKNMDR"
13-The final frontier: ------------- "MFLCCJMNDX"
14-The undiscovered country: ------- "NJCMKNDGDM"
15-The needs of many: -------------- "LCANNMFPDM"
16-The next lemeration: ------------ "BDNNMONQDV"


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