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Ami Cheat's Page - GOLD RUSH



NOTES: Save your game often so you may restore in case an unexpected and unpreventable peril causes your death!

If you watched the beginning cartoon you saw Jerrod walk onto the foot bridge, and that is where we will start. Walk down the bridge to the street, head SOUTH off the bottom of the screen. The first action will be to put your house on the market, so type "SELL HOUSE". Walk to the gate of your house. Type "USE THE KEY" and the gate will open. Go to the front door, "USE THE KEY" and walk in.

Walk to the roll-top desk in the living room and "CLOSE THE DESK". "GET THE BANK STATEMENT" that is stuck in the slats. "READ THE STATEMENT" and take note of your account number. Go over to the table and "LOOK AT THE ALBUM". When you are finished looking at it, "TAKE THE FAMILY PHOTO".

Go outside and wait for the man with cash in hand. Walk up to the buyer and he will offer 850 dollars for your house - "SAY YES".

Walk WEST on Front Street to the Park. Go into the Gazebo, near the centre, and "GET THE GOLD COIN" that fell through the cracks in the floor. Now, "PICK SOME FLOWERS".

Walk WEST off the Gazebo, to change screens. In the distance you will see a ship docked. Walk NORTH on Dock Street until you are on the Dock, and then go into the Warehouse. "LOOK AT THE POSTER" on the first post. Walk out of the Warehouse.

Walk SOUTH, change screens, go inside the Bank. Walk up to the Teller's window. When the Teller helps you, "WITHDRAW SAVINGS". He will ask for your account number. Type in the number you read on your bank statement. If you don't remember your number, "LOOK AT THE BANK STATEMENT". The Teller will give you 200 dollars.

Walk out the door at the top of the screen and turn LEFT. Walk WEST until you see Fast's Grocery and Rand's Hardware.

You must now decide which of these routes you are going to attempt.


The program control now takes you to the camp of the Long Island Mining & Stock Company in Independance. Notice that you have now grown a beard!! (good, these Sierra programmers, aren't they?!!).

Walk EAST into the next scene. "TALK TO THE MAN" reading a book under the tree. Return to the previous scene. Walk up to the three men having a conversation and "TALK TO THE CAPTAIN" then "GIVE MONEY TO THE CAPTAIN". He will ask you to obtain a team of animals.

Walk SOUTH into the next scene. Go to the man in the shed and "GET MATURE OXEN". Return to the camp, find the Captain and "REPORT" back to him.

North of the camp is a view of the Plains. Walk up between the tents and wagons until you change scenes. "LOOK AT THE PLAINS" often to determine the best time to head WEST. When the message changes to '....the plains are growing greener every day', it is time to leave. Return to the camp and tell the Captain to "HEAD WEST".

The program control will now take you to the Green River. Don't forget to SAVE your game periodically so you may RESTORE in case an unexpected event kills you!

When you find yourself standing beside your wagon at the top of a steep descent to the Green River, "UNHITCH THE TEAMS" right away. The oxen will drink from the river then return to your wagon. When the teams are hitched again "LOCK THE WHEELS".

The program control takes over as you continue West.

The next time you get control of Jerrod, he is dying in the Desert. Go over to the side of the wrecked wagon and "DRINK THE WATER" that is in the barrel. Now, "EAT THE MEAT" that is in the wagon. Walk WEST off the screen.

The program control now takes you to Sutter's Fort in California!!


The program control takes you out of town. You find yourself on the Ship. You may explore the ship all you like, but this solution will give you only the essentials!

Walk to the front part of the Ship (EAST). "TALK TO THE MAN" reading the book. Press the keys indicated to go to the next scene.

Watch the map as the position of the Ship moves. The screen appears again with you standing on the ship talking with the passengers. You don't need to do anything now, press the keys indicated to go to the next scene.

The program control takes you to Rio De Janeiro, then back out to sea towards Cape Horn. There will be a storm rounding the Horn. (If it doesn't happen when you first get there, press the keys indicated to go to the next scene).

During the storm you are in the Bunk Room. "GET THE STRING" that is on the floor. Walk WEST to the Engine Room and "GET THE METAL SCRAPS" that are on the floor. Continue WEST to the Captain's Cabin and "GET THE PAPER CLIP" off the floor.

Press the keys indicated to go to the next scene. If you are near the Cape and it is clear weather, go to the next scene.

The program control takes over as your journey continues. When you get to Mexico, the supplies are gone. You will soon die of starvation if you don't eat something! You find yourself on the Ship again. Walk WEST through the door, change screens. Go DOWN the stairs (use the diagonal keys), then go DOWN the small set of stairs to change screens. Go to the table in the Galley and "GET SOME PIG MEAT".

Now walk WEST to the ladder and climb DOWN to the Boiler Room. "GET THE STICK" that is leaning against the wall. Climb back UP the ladder and go back UP the stairs to the Top Deck. Go to the back of the Ship. This is a perfect place to "FISH". After catching the fish, you share it with your companions and save the day!

The program control will now take you on to California.


The program control will take you to the Isthmus of Panama. You start up the Chagres River in a small boat. When you encounter the natives you must agree to give them your possessions.

After leaving the boat you start overland on foot. Follow your guide with the others. Change screens until you see a man sitting under a tree. Walk over and "TALK" to the man who is reading a book. Get back onto the trail and go in the direction the rest of your team want.

Don't forget to SAVE your game often lest something beyond your control kills you!

Wild jungle ants will surround you. "JUMP" onto the vine that is near you. Wait until the trail is clear and then "DROP" to the ground. Walk EAST into the next scene.

There are four hidden trails through the dense jungle scene. Take the trail closest to the top of the screen (the one closest to the bottom has poison plants). When 'Ouch!' is flashed on the screen, "LOOK DOWN", "GET THE GOLD DISK" that you stubbed your toe on. Walk EAST into the next screen.

The swampy river has quicksand! SAVE your game. Walk straight out into the water about ONE-THIRD of the way across and stop. Walk UP RIGHT a little way until you are even with the top trail on the RIGHT, then stop. Walk RIGHT until you are on the other side. If you sink in the quicksand or an alligator eats you, RESTORE the game and keep trying until you make it! Walk EAST into the next screen.

The program control will take you to California before you know it!


You arrive by ship. Your position is marked by a tiny figure on the screen. Walk over to the White Building on the NORTHEAST corner and go inside. "LOOK AROUND" then "GET IN THE STAGE COACH" leaving for Sutter's Fort.

The program control will now take you to Sutter's Fort!


You have been dropped off near the Front Gate of Sutter's Fort. Your position is marked by a tiny figure on the screen. Move UP through the gate and into the Fort.

Once inside, walk LEFT off the screen, then walk DOWN until you change screens. Walk through the door that has a sign on it. Walk EAST to change screens. When you are inside the Trading Store, "BUY A GOLD PAN", "GIVE THE GOLD COIN" to the man.

Leave the Store and walk EAST, changing screens. Continue walking EAST until you change screens again. Go through the gate to the Cemetery.

"READ THE TOMBSTONE" (near the centre) that says: 'William Marshall'. "READ PSALM 23" from the Bible. Remember the letter that Jake sent you? It had some interesting holes that had been cut intentionally. "USE THE LETTER" here.

Move the letter UP and LEFT (use the direction keys or joystick). Stop it in the EXACT POSITION that covers the words: 'WILSON MARSHALL' through to 'A PLACE IN OUR HEARTS IS'. You will know it is right when you see the message: 'Hold it right there!", followed by other messages.

Press the keys necessary to return to the Cemetery. Walk to the RIGHT, changing screens. You can now see a map of the Fort area. Your position is marked by a flashing dot. Move EAST to the edge of the screen. Now you are in the country by the American River, one mile East of the Fort. Follow the river until you are 15 MILES EAST of the Fort. Now you are in GOLD country!!

Go into the river and "PAN" for gold. Panning in another man's claim can be very dangerous! SAVE your game often while discovering gold! There are thieves in these parts!! Get gold at least FOUR TIMES (a maximum of 50 pieces is possible by panning in different scenes).

Return to Sutter's Fort. Go to the Trading Store where you bought the gold pan earlier. Buy a Shovel and a Lantern with your Californian gold. Leave the Store and walk off the BOTTOM of the screen. Walk RIGHT to change screens. Continue RIGHT, changing screens, past the Front Gate until you see the Blacksmith's Shop.

Walk into the Blacksmith's Shop and "TALK" to the man. "YES" you are from Brooklyn, New York. Your name is Jerrod Wilson. Your brother's name is (as far as you know!), Jake. The Blacksmith will give you a branding iron.

Leave the Blacksmith's shop and walk DOWN to the BOTTOM of the screen. Walk RIGHT, changing screens. Now you are near the Gristmill. Go to the man leaning against the fence and "BUY A MULE". "GIVE GOLD" to the man. When the man brings it out to you "GET THE MULE". Walk LEFT (changing screens twice) and return to the Blacksmith's Shop.

The mule will follow you, but you MAY lose it if you aren't careful. The mule may not fit everywhere YOU do!!

Enter the Blacksmith's Shop. Go close to the fire and quickly "HEAT THE IRON". Catch the mule before you lose it and "BRAND THE MULE".

Go LEFT, back to the Front Gate. Outside, you can see the entrance to the cattle area. Walk through the front gate. When the screen changes you see a full view of the Fort. Your position is marked by a tiny figure on the screen. Move to the door of the cattle area.

When you enter the Corral, a man will take a description of your mule. Walk through the gate at the BOTTOM of the screen. "LEAVE THE MULE" in one of these corrals. "LOOK AT THE BRAND" on each mule in these corrals. "GET THE MULE" that is trusty, high spirited and bears a special brand (looks like a horseshoe and a key). Leave the cattle area and walk EAST.

Walk EAST along the American River. When you are SEVENTEEN MILES EAST OF THE FORT you will see a tailrace. Continue EAST, following the road, past the sawmill and past the log yard, until you enter Coloma. At the intersection, walk SOUTH and then follow the road when it turns EAST. You are now in front of the Green Pastures Hotel.


"TIE THE MULE" on the hitching post in front of the door and go inside. Go up to the desk and "RENT ROOM 11". The room is already rented, but the man will give you a message to deliver to the occupant. "SAY YES" to get the message and walk UP the stairs.

Find Room 11 and "KNOCK" on the door. "GIVE THE MESSAGE" to the man who answers and he will go away, leaving the door wide open. Go into Room 11.

Walk to the fireplace and "TURN THE WHEEL" on the cannon. "GO THROUGH THE FIREPLACE" into the concealed Room 12. Walk over to the table, "GET THE NOTE", "READ THE NOTE" and "GET THE MAGNET". Walk to the BOTTOM of the room and "GET THE STRING" off the floor. Walk to the window. "UNLATCH THE WINDOW" then "OPEN THE WINDOW". Stay by the window until a bird flies into the cage. "CLOSE THE WINDOW".

Walk over to the cage and "LOOK AT THE BIRD". "LOOK AT THE CAPSULE" and "PUT THE PHOTO IN THE CAPSULE" that is on the bird's leg. "OPEN THE WINDOW" to let the bird fly away. Wait for the bird to come back (it may take a little while!) and then "CLOSE THE WINDOW".

"LOOK AT THE CAPSULE" again and "GET THE AEROGRAM". "READ THE AEROGRAM" for a very important clue. "OPEN THE WINDOW" again. "GO THROUGH THE WINDOW" out onto the narrow ledge.

You may want to SAVE your game here. Move quickly towards the balcony (to the LEFT), avoiding the man in Room 13. Walk the length of the balcony and go in through the door. In the Hallway, go through the door to the stairs. Walk downstairs and out the front door.

"GET THE MULE" from the hitching post, and head SOUTH, being careful not to lose the mule. Make your way SOUTH until you are well out in the country (4 MILES SOUTH OF SUTTER'S FORT).

Consider the aerogram clue........'As stubborn as our friend may be, just leave it to him and he'll lead you to me!". "FOLLOW THE MULE". When the mule starts to move, stay close to him and go where he goes. He will lead you to your brother's cabin!


Go inside the Cabin. "GET THE MATCHES" off the table. Go back outside. Go into the Outhouse by walking SOUTHEAST, going behind the bushes (be sure you are all the way down against the bushes) and then walk WEST. The trail is narrow so if you run into something, wriggle through by going up then left or similar. Go inside the Outhouse. "JUMP DOWN THE HOLE" in the Outhouse.

You are in the Mine now. "LIGHT THE LANTERN" and walk WEST down the shaft. Continue down the shaft, changing screens, until you come to a huge door with a double lock. "LOOK AT THE DOOR", then "TIE THE STRING TO THE MAGNET", "PUT THE MAGNET IN THE HOLE" in the door and "LOWER THE MAGNET". When you hear something 'click!' onto the magnet, "RAISE THE MAGNET". You now have the key to this huge door!! "UNLOCK THE DOOR" and walk through it.


In the next scene, walk WEST and climb onto the ladder. Climb all the way to the bottom of this ladder and then continue walking WEST, changing screens. When you come to another ladder, get on it and climb to the bottom. "GET THE PICK" that is lying on the ground beside the rock.

There are deposits of gold in the walls of the Mine. Some are visible (8) and some are hidden (12). "PICK" on the walls around the mine to expose the gold that you can't see, and then "GET THE GOLD" that you CAN see!

To find your brother James, climb to the top of the ladder, then move down about EIGHT RUNGS. You will see a ledge that you can walk onto. When you are level with that ledge, walk LEFT.

Follow the shaft WEST, changing screens twice, until you see the ladder going down. Climb down this ladder to the bottom. Walk a few steps EAST, and switch ladders. Climb down to the bottom of this other ladder. Walk down the small 4-rung ladder until you are at bedrock.

Follow the shaft WEST until you find your brother.

After your reunion, move to the back wall where you see some exposed gold. "PICK" at the wall and "GET THE GOLD". Repeat in the same spot until you make a hole big enough to fit through. "GO THROUGH THE HOLE".

You have struck it rich!! You have been reunited with your long lost brother, and now have so much gold that it causes an error on your inventory screen!!!

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