hide random home http://www.netrover.com/~timt/cheats/b/battlecommand.html (Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)

Ami Cheat's Page - BATTLE COMMAND


While you are playing, type in "CASTOR". The screen will flash green and you will be invincible. You can also change your weapons by pressing "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", or "F10" and you can change to power of your selected weapon by pressing "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", or "F5".

index... | # | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ...main