All pricing in Canadian Dollars.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ B I T S F R O M G R E G ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Again, been another while since I put one of these out. I'm just afraid to put one out and then get a rush in the middle of all the changes that are happening in the middle :) * Oh yes, all those changes are on schedule and will reveal themselves this November. * Not a lot has happened or come out. Everyone is waiting. * No, CyberVision64/3D or CyberStorm 040's have not been released yet. Feel free to contact Phase5 directly at expressing your distaste for their premature product announcements. * Viscorp.. Where are you? * Check out the catalogue pages on the web-site. The whole on-line catalogue is available now in 59 different currencies :) PS: NACbot on IRC (efnet/starnet) has all of these currencies on hand too. * The web-site catalogue also has a USED section in it now for used hardware/software and such. * ALSO more catalogue stuff, it's now available in GUIDE and ASCII format also in all the different currencies. * We might be attending the Midwest Amiga Exposition. I'll keep you updated. * RAM went up. That sucks. * I'll be gone from October 12 to the 14th for the Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada. And most likely the weekend after that for the Midwest show. * If you are looking for a mail program, check out Voodoo. It's fast, does MIME and PGP, and best of all, it doesn't use MUI. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IF YOU DO NOT SEE IT ON THIS LIST, PLEASE ASK! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * A M I G A F E S T ' 9 6 * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ November 29, 30 and December 1st, 1996 are the dates for AmigaFest'96. AmigaFest'96 will be within the huge COMPUTERFEST show that is held each year in Toronto. Computerfest attendance averages 350000 people. Imagine all of these people walking by Amiga boothes. It will be busy! It will be big! It will be worth going to! It will actually have people there on display! Check out our web-site for more information. National Amiga has plans to have one of the largest boothes there with many many great deals on hardware and software. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * A M I G A F E S T ' 9 6 * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A M I G A D O S 3 . 1 K I T S I N S T O C K ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AmigaDOS 3.1 A3000...............................................$219.95 * AmigaDOS 3.1 A500/2000...........................................$189.95 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ H A R D W A R E S P E C I A L S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Toshiba TIMM 20" Multimedia Monitor..............................$899.95 DKB Cobra 68030-33MHz Accelerator WITH SCSI......................$329.95 * DKB Cobra 68030-40MHz Accelerator WITH SCSI......................$399.95 * Squirrel PCMCIA SCSI Interface...................................$149.95 * Vidi24RT External Framegrabber...................................$280.00 * Liana and Envoy Parallel Port Networking..........................$40.00 * TIMM 20" Multimedia Monitor......................................$899.95 + Blizzard 2060 68060-50MHz for A2000 with SCSI...................$1199.95 + ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ S O F T W A R E S P E C I A L S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Opus 5 (no, not 5.5, but upgradable, 1 left until..)..............$60.00 * Opus 5 (no, not 5.5 and different stock from above)...............$85.00 + AFS User..........................................................$40.00 * Termite TCP.......................................................$89.95 * Turbocalc 2.......................................................$15.00 * MasterISO (EXCELLENT DEAL!)......................................$169.95 * ImageFX 2.6 AND Batch Facotry..................................$389.96 + ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 2 3 2 S E R I A L C A R D S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I have a LARGE quantity of Commodore 2232 7-port Serial Cards in stock right now for $45.00. They include two cables and extras are available. Great for those multimedia applications that require serial control of other devices (IE: Touch screens, video disk players, VTRs, modems) Please note, each port peaks out at 19200. IN STOCK for $45.00 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ R A M ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Meg of 256k ZIPs (3000T chip ram)...............................$40.00 + 4 Meg 1x32 72-pin SIMM 60ns.......................................$49.00 + 8 Meg 2x32 72-pin SIMM 60ns.......................................$69.00 + 16 Meg 4x32 72-pin SIMM 60ns.....................................$169.95 + 32 Meg 8x32 72-pin SIMM 60ns.....................................$339.00 + This hasn't been updated for a week. It's just a reference. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I N T A N G I B L E A S S E T S M A N U F A C T U R I N G ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DiskSalv 4...THE Disk Recovery Program............................$64.95 * MR Backup v2.5....................................................$79.95 * Death Bed Vigil T-Shirts!.........................................$39.95 * Connect Your Amiga NEW EDITION!..................................$37.95 * All these items are in stock and ready to go! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C D - R O M C L E A R O U T ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Assassins Games...................................................$10.00 * Super Skidmarks CD32..............................................$10.00 * Aminet CD..........................................................$5.00 * Aminet 4..........................................................$10.00 * Aminet 11.........................................................$28.00 * Aminet 12.........................................................$28.00 * Freshfonts Volume 1...............................................$10.00 * Lightworks Volume 1...............................................$39.95 * Gloom CD32........................................................$20.00 * Texture Heaven 1 & 2..............................................$20.00 * Aminet Set 2......................................................$69.95 * Meeting Pearls Volume 3...........................................$39.95 * Freshfish December 93..............................................$5.00 * Eric Schwartz CD..................................................$39.95 * AMUC 2............................................................$10.00 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ P R E V I O U S L Y E N J O Y E D S O F T W A R E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ProWrite 3........................................................$35.00 * Oh No More Lemmings!...............................................$5.00 * Carl Lewis Challenge...............................................$1.00 * Midwinter..........................................................$5.00 * Prime Mover........................................................$1.00 * Aminos.............................................................$1.00 * Barbarian II.......................................................$1.00 * Continuum..........................................................$1.00 * Ork................................................................$1.00 * License To Kill....................................................$1.00 * Caligary 2........................................................$25.00 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ U S E D H A R D W A R E - 3 0 D A Y W A R R A N T Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AdRAM 540 A500 RAM Expansion (0k).................................$45.00 * AMAX-II Hardware..................................................$30.00 * Commodore 1010 External Disk Drive................................$25.00 * Commodore 1084 Monitors (various) each.........................$150.00 * Commodore 1950 MultiSync Monitor.................................$300.00 * Commodore 2088 XT BridgeBoard (no software).......................$10.00 * Commodore 2091 SCSI Interface for A2000...........................$80.00 * Commodore 2232 7-port Serial Card (max 19220 per port)............$45.00 * Commodore 2286 AT BridgeBoard (no sfotware).......................$50.00 * Commodore 2300 Genlock for A2000..................................$50.00 * Commodore 3070 Tape Drive External...............................$100.00 * DigiView Gold.....................................................$45.00 * GVP A500-HD8+ w/4Meg RAM and 50Mhz Hard-Drive....................$200.00 * PicassoII Graphics Card..........................................$300.00 * Seagate 50 Meg 3.5" SCSI Hard-Drive (slow/noisy)..................$25.00 * Quantum 40 Meg 3.5" IDE Hard-Drive................................$20.00 * Quantum 240 Meg 3.5" IDE Hard-Drive..............................$110.00 * Quantum 170 Meg 3.5" IDE Hard-Drive...............................$85.00 * Supra 2400ZI Internal 2400 Baud Modem.............................$20.00 * Supra WordSync 2000 SCSI Interface................................$50.00 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * All prices with a * beside them mean they are in stock and ready to ship right away. + All prices with a + beside them mean they are available next business day. > All other prices are updates, or just new products that have been made available. > When emailing us an order, please include what you are ordering and your address/phone number.. We need both in the same message to process and keep track of your request. All prices in Canadian dollars. Pricing and availability subject to change without notice. Ask for our terms and policies. Currency conversion is available from our web page. References around the world. Greg Scott ------------------------------------------------------------- National Amiga - Amiga Products and Services International 1229 Marlborough Ct. Box 1401 Oakville, Ontario, CANADA, L6H3B6 IRC: _NAN NACb Send any replies to this message to