(Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)
National Amiga Specials 960110
Week of January 10th, 1996 (960110)
Q U A N T I T I E S A R E L I M I T E D !
O R D E R N O W !
Nakamichi 7-disc CD Juke Box.....................................$329.95
Nakamichi 7 CD Juke Box. Double speed. External SCSI-2, 4.5 GIG of
near on-line storage. Disc change time as fast as 2.5 seconds.
Push buttonloading - no magazine hassles.
You could have more than half the Aminet series on-line!
Perfect for those who run a BBS!
Core/Fujitsu 2 GIG SCSI External Hard Disk Drives................$539.95
Core/Fujitsu external SCSI hard-disk drives. Come complete with
external case, power supply and 2 Fujitsu M2266SA 1 GIG SCSI
hard-disk drives. Total external disk capacity of 2 GIG.
90 day warranty. Great for BBS's!
APC SmartUPS 600.................................................$389.95
600VA Uninteruptable Power Supply. Your system will survive
power spikes and dropouts with one of these on-line.
Ami-File-Safe Professional.......................................$119.95
A rock solid filing system to replace FFS and DCFS. Never crashes!
Considerably faster!
Directory Opus 5..................................................$99.95
New low price on this ever popular file management system.
Can replace Workbench with a much smarter, more intuitive,
more configurable interface!
Q U A N T I T I E S A R E L I M I T E D !
O R D E R N O W !
All prices in Canadian dollars. Pricing and availability subject to
change without notice. Ask for our terms and policies.