(Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)
I would like to thank the following people for there time and patience:
Well I had a big speech I was gonna give ( choke.. gasp.. sob) but ...(sniffle) I am too damn lazy to type the stuff
- Rocha - For alot of screen shots and bug checking.
- MrElcee - For too many things to mention. ( did i mention i owe my soul to this guy).
- JacobE - For screen shots and bug checking in the Internet Applications section.
- Caldi - For Screen shots and general bug checking. (GO CLASSACT (shameless plug) )
- Mitchman - Screen shots and noodies.
- Tau & Optic - For there ever persitent nagging about correct HTML.
- NAN ( from National Amiga CA) - for offering to Mirror/Host this monster and some ideas we have for this thing.
- RobR: for alot of information on graphics cards, and screen shots along with telling me I cant spell for crap.
- Barlog - for lots of reading, helpfull files, noodies, and nagging to get his banner on my page :)
- Josef - Ideas and bug checking
- Sibbi - Alot of ideas and bug checking
- Camelot - Bug checking
- Mjp - bug checking
- Kosh - few screen shots, some ideas and bug checking... ...
ahhh .. hell at the rate i am going ALL the guys and 2 gals from #amiga for there ideas and help.
- All the people who sent me email with feedback on what they thought of the site and stuff they wanted to see
in the future.
- Amy - My girlfriend/wife for putting up with me and my computer habbits .
- Amy - My girlfriend/wife for helping type alot of this stuff.
- Amy - My girlfriend/wife for making me sleep.
- Amy - My girlfriend/wife for bug checks and flea baths.
- Amy - My girlfriend/wife for the nookie .. hmm maybe I should have left that one out.
- Did i mention Amy?
- ID software for Quake and Doom (other wise i would have killed my computer)
- Pepsico for MT Dew.
- Marlboro for my chain smoking.
(oops more shamelss plugs...)
oh yeah thanks go to Concentric Network since they are my provider.
* Note this site is made of 100% tuna safe dolphin, and no animals or appliences ( except my monitor) where hurt before during or after the
making of this page.