hide random home (Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)

   Format: PATH [{(dir)}] [ADD] [SHOW] [RESET] [REMOVE] [QUIET]
Location:  Internal 

PATH lets you see, add to, or change the search path that AmigaDOS follows when looking for a commnd or a program to execute. When a directory is in the search path, you do not need to specify the complete path to any command within that directory. Entering the name alone makes AmigaDOS look through the directories in the search path until it finds the file.

Enter the PATH command alone or with the SHOW option to displat directory names in the current search path. Normally, when PATH is displaying the directory names, a requester appears if a volune that is part of the search path cannot be found.

If you specify the QUIET option, PATH does not display requesters for volunes that are not currently mounted. If PATH encounters an unmounted volume, it displays the message device (or volume) is not mounted. The names of any directories on that volume included in the PATH are not displayed.

The ADD option specifies directory names to be added to the current PATH. You can add any number of directries with one PATH ADD command.

To replace the existing search path with a new one, use PATH RESET followed by the names of the new directories.


See also: ASSIGN