Format: NEWSHELL [(window specifications)] [FROM (filename)] Template: WINDOW,FROM Location: Internal
The new Shell window becomes the currently-active window and process. The new window has the same current directory, promt, string, path, local environment variables, and stack size as the one from which it was invoked. However, each shell window is independaant, allowing seperate input, outpu, and program execution.
The window can be adjusted in the same ways as most noraml amiga windows.
To create a custom window, you can include the (window specification) argument. Specifiy the intitial dimensions and location with the (window specification) option.
X is the numbee of pixels from the left edge of the screen to the left border of the shell window.
Y is the number of pixels from the top of the screen to the top of the shell window.
WIDTH is the the width of the shell window, in pixals.
HEIGHT is the height of the shell window in pixels.
TITLE is the text that appearsin the shell window title bar.
Use slashes to separate the parameters and options. If any spaces appear in the argumen, the entire argument must be enclosed in double quotation marks ("").
The allowable options are as follows:
AUTO Window automatically appears when the program needs input or produces output.
ALT Window appears in a the specified size and position when the zoom gadget is clicked.
BACKDROP Window appears in the backdrop, behind all the workbench windows. This shell cannot be brought to front
CLOSE If the WINDOW argument is used the close option must be used to get the CLOSE GADGET
INACTIVE The window is opened but not made active.
NOBORDER The window opens with out any left or bottom borders. Only the zoom, depth, and sizing gadgets ar available.
NOCLOSE If you open a window with the AUTO option thier will be no CLOSE GADGET.
NODEPTH The window has no depth gadget.
NODRAG The window cannot be dragged. No close gadget
NOSIZE The window only has a depth gadget
SCREEN The window opens on a public screen. The screen must already exist. You almost specify the name of the screen
SIMPLE If you enlarge the window the window, the text expands to fill the newly available space.
SMART If you enlarge the window the window, the text does not expand to fill in the newly available space.
WAIT The window can only be closed by selecting the close gadget or entering ctrl+\.