hide random home (Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)

Format:    FILENOTE [FILE] (file | pattern) [COMMENT (comment)] [ALL] [QUIET] 
Location:  C: 

FILENOTE attaches a comment line of up to 79 characters to the specified file or to all files matching the given pattern.

If the (comment) includes spaces, it must be enclosed in double quotation marks. To include double quotation marks in a filenote, asterisk (*) and the entire comment must be enclosed in quotation marks, regardless of whetther the comment contains any spaces.

Creating a comment with FILENOTE is tthe same as entering a comment into the comment gadget of an icon's information window.

Use the LIST command to view comments made with FILENOTE. If a file has comments, LIST displays them below the filename.

When an existing file is copies to it is overwritten, but its original comment is retained. Any comment attached to a FROM file isnot copied unless the CLONE or COM option of COPY is specified.
