Format: ECHO [(string)] [NOLINE] [FIRST (n)] [LEN (n)] [TO (filename)] Template: /M,NOLINES/S,FIRST/K/N,LEN/K/N,TO/K Location: C:
Echo writes to the current output window or curent device the specified string. By default, the string is sent to the screen, but if you use the TO option, you can send the string to a specified file or device.
When the NOLINE option is specified, ECHO does not move the cursor to the next line after printing the string automatically.
The FIRST and LEN options allow a substring to be echoed. First (n) indicate the number of characters postion from wich to start the echo; LEN (n) indicates the number of characters of the substring to echo, beginning with the first character. If the FIRST option is omitted and only the LEN keyword is given, the substring printed consists of the right most (n) characters of the main string.