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Information for use with



Patching CINEMA 4D for MacOS 8

You only have to patch your copy of CINEMA 4D if you encounter difficulties running it on MacOS 8. The following is not necessary for MacOS 7.5.x or MacOS 7.6.x.

You need the program ResEdit. If you cannot find it on your system, download it from Apple's FTP server.

Please follow the steps exactly as described. ResEdit lets you change the internal structure of CINEMA 4D which can result in severe damage of the program!

  1. Exit CINEMA 4D if you have it running.
  2. Make a backup copy of the program file
  3. Drag and drop the CINEMA 4D program icon on the ResEdit icon.
  4. ResEdit opens a window named "CINEMA 4D" in which you will find the resource "DLOG" as show in picture 1. Doubleclick on the DLOG icon.
  5. A new window named "DLOGs from CINEMA 4D" opens and shows a long list. Scroll down this list until you see ID 194 named "R_MATERIALFARBE". Select this item.
  6. Hold down the shift key and select ID 203 named "R_MATERIALGLICHT". Now you should have selected ten items.
  7. Select "Get Resource" from the "Resource" menu. Ten similar windows will show up, each named after the selected item.
  8. In the lower half of the window you will see some attributes. The options "Locked" and "Preload" are selected as shown in picture 2.1.
    Deselect both options and select "Purgable" instead". The result is shown in picture 2.2.
    Close the window.
  9. Repeat step 8 for the remaining nine windows.
  10. Close the window "DLOGs from CINEMA 4D".
  11. Select "Save" from the "File" menu to save the changes.
  12. Exit ResEdit.

CINEMA 4D should now work without problems on MacOS 8.


Picture 1: Finding the resource DLOG in ResEdit

Picture 2.1: The attributes before the change.

Picture 2.2: The attributes after the change.


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Last changed: 31-Jul-97