hide random home http://www.kiruna.se/~mwo/abox/advan/microsof.html (Amiga Plus Extra No. 5/97, 05/1997)

MicroSoft, making the standards

MicroSofts unpopularity grows each day. And it's not so strange, with their attempts to control the whole PC- platform. MicroSoft make software for all areas on the PC. And it's obvious that they would like to be the only software developer on the PC-platform. Other companies dislike the standards that MicroSoft constantly try to implement in the PC's main OS, Windows. But since MicroSoft have got so much money to spend on marketing, they can make anything, and call it the standard. And it's guaranteed to sell ! The browser war between Netscape's Navigator and Microsoft's Explorer is known world-wide.

Known bugs in MicroSoft programs:

This list could go on....and on.....and on.........

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